Our Philosophy
The institutional philosophy of the University is expressed in the mission, that is, the reason for being; the vision that is what you want to become; the principles; the values and policies, all of which underpin the work of UMECIT and contribute to generating the institutional identity and corporate culture.
Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology
"Educating with relevance for the future"
UMECIT was founded on December 16, 2002
was approved by the Ministry of Education of Panama through Executive Decree No. 575 of July 21, 2004, accredited by the National Council for University Evaluation and Accreditation of Panama (CONEAUPA), through Resolution No. 15 of October 2012.
UMECIT is an institution of higher education oriented to the search for truth
and to the strengthening of the transcendental values of man, performing a leading role in education, science and technology, offering innovative and relevant programs in line with the development of the modern world. In its coverage, as a humanist institution, it is characterized by maintaining a social sense that provides equity.
In its first decade it has formed and delivered to the country
a large and valuable group of successful, innovative and creative professionals in various disciplines. Honest and committed to the sustainable development of the country, occupying important positions in both the public and private sectors.
The UMECIT model is based on Neo-Cyberhumanism
which integrates the components of teaching, research, and extension supported by technologies within the teaching-learning process.
In a highly competitive world, we train professionals with deep values
with an innovative, proactive, analytical, responsible, and entrepreneurial mind, sensitive to social issues that includes holistic values framed in humanism.
The student at UMECIT enhances the capacities of the human person
through self-training for the construction of knowledge and interpretation of reality based on the scientific method.
For UMECIT the student is
a biopsychosocial, spiritual, cultural, and environmental subject capable of interpreting events and responding to their needs, transforming them in a resilient way.
Promote scientific production
through the different postgraduate programs in congruence with the lines of institutional research, as a space par excellence for the generation of knowledge.
Additionally, UMECIT is an accredited university
protected under Resolution No. 15 of October 31, 2012 of the National Council for University Evaluation and Accreditation of Panama. This condition has made it the best option for students, being the first university in the Republic of Panama with courses approved in the virtual modality.
On January 27, 2017, the accreditation of the Bachelor's Degree in General Psychology
was achieved by the National Council for University Evaluation and Accreditation of Panama (CONEAUPA).
Together with the departments of
teaching, research, extension, and student welfare, the Faculties promote a large number of academic, research, sports, and cultural activities that allow the exchange of experiences in favor of the attitudinal and aptitude growth of students.
At the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology (UMECIT), the use of technologies
is a culture where the semi-face-to-face modality is supported by the use of virtual classrooms complemented by inverted classroom methodologies, peer-to-peer, and active teaching that ensures the quality of the teaching-learning process.
Likewise, it has a Business Simulator for the UMECIT Business and Entrepreneurship programs,
allowing the strengthening of all faculties in a transversal way; on the other hand, it also has a Maritime Simulator that offers the Faculty of Nautical Sciences the possibility of a virtual practice.
The breadth of internationalization processes
is ensured by more than 200 national and international agreements, thus strengthening the academic and professional internship processes.
The educational work is constant and deep
where teaching staff, students, administrative, and academic staff are engaged in the educational process in a dynamic way, promoting the development of a creative, spiritual human being, and committed to society and the environment.
UMECIT offers multiple careers
for undergraduate and graduate levels in the areas of administration, health, technology, construction, environment, maritime, law, forensic sciences, humanities, and education in face-to-face, semi-face-to-face, and virtual modalities.
Institutional reaccreditation
On December 15, 2022, the Institutional Reaccreditation Certifications delivery ceremony was carried out by the government. In this way, the National Council for University Evaluation and Accreditation of Panama, gave the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology - UMECIT - the certification for 6 years, the highest qualification granted to an academic institution.
Neo-Cyberhumanism, which is postulated as a renewal of the UMECIT Curricular Educational Model, continues to place the subject and their experience at the center of the entire process, and around this, seven (7) stars that, when integrated, constitute the “Distinctive Badge.” ” of the institutional management philosophy, which will reflect the actions of the student, teacher, collaborator, and other actors of the university's work based on specific behaviors.
digital livelihood
This star recognizes the human footprint in the digital age, promoting and enjoying new forms of communication, interaction, consumption, entertainment, teaching-learning, and all those actions that contribute to personal well-being through the humanization of technology. It is an essential star to survive in the digital age.
From this star the commitment and action of the human being is exalted in favor of eradicating inequalities, extreme poverty and the destruction of ecosystems (terrestrial and marine). On the other hand, actions that imply the humanization of being before the recognition and intervention of economic and sociocultural problems are recognized. This star shows the importance of human actions and their impact on the future of education, health, work, economic growth, gender equality, health and well-being, energy, water, innovation, industry, climate action , among other intentions that tend to a full and lasting life.
Conscious ethical commitment
The protection of human integrity and dignity are keys deserving of this star, considering the person as a unit that essentially deserves in the here and now respect, company, care, and above all, all inclusion in the face of diversity. Ethical commitment invites you to act for yourself and for others, which is why this star watches over altruism as an elementary factor in physical, psychological, mental and work well-being.
Global citizenship
Transcending the local, national and regional gaze is the task of this recognition, which implies becoming a "Nomad or citizen of the world". From this star, the intention is promoted that the educational actor is able to interact in multicultural scenarios, highlighting the mastery of a second language, in cross-border virtual spaces; that is to say, that the actor establishes himself in the internationalization proposals that will bring him closer to the understanding of global dynamics.
Techno-digital skills
Tributes to the demonstration of knowledge and tasks in the domain of tools, applications, environments, among other devices of a digital technological order, which contribute to overcome personal, social, academic, professional and work limitations in the use of such resources. This star recognizes the usability of online tools that provide inputs for the performance of specific personal or professional activities, becoming a competitive advantage to respond to the challenges of today's society.
Creative, critical and prospective thinking
The creditor of this star must demonstrate a critical reasoning attitude towards decision-making and the eventualities that he faces on a daily basis, which, in addition, commits a creative approach to solving real context problems, always assuming a look towards the future. the future that allows you to anticipate events that could probably alter the linearity of events, generating misunderstanding and fragility. From this recognition, the ability to foresee the future and anticipate with strategic actions that lead to reinvention is strengthened.
Research, innovation and entrepreneurship
As a human being immersed in the phygital world, the creditor of this star must provide a look that contributes from the production of new knowledge and the generation of technology-based ventures to the improvement of digital humanism, making inventiveness, research and innovation, tools to improve the internal and external conditions of the institution. In this sense, this star requires the participation of the actors in the construction of new research proposals, technological developments or ideas that solve the needs of the context at the national level.

Mission vision
The values promoted by the University are based on responsibility, honesty, respect for others, love and forgiveness, virtues that are immersed in the institutional philosophy, which encourages our students, graduates and the UMECIT community to investigative spirit, initiative, creativity, ethics and social responsibility.

The university shield is designed to reflect the institutional identity of UMECIT. It is made up of its logo, a crown that represents the University as queen of knowledge, which also reflects the wisdom of all the gifts that God gives to man, and finally by the laurel ties that transmit the courage and strength to achieve the victory.
Of the colors used, the red color represents the value and courage of the university community to make its university grow locally and nationally; the blue color it is the sincerity and charity that accompany the daily work; the white color is the faith that the university has in young people and the purity of intention of their thoughts, and works and finally the green color represents the growth of the University and the hope to participate in the construction of a better country.
Mascot "Bruno"
The University's mascot was born in 2009 and represents the principles and values of all members of the university community. The entrepreneurial spirit, perseverance, the courage to know our strengths and weaknesses to create a learning space conducive to act and take full advantage of the situations we face. The spirit of the great Lion called Bruno will teach us to know our true strength, but also to know how to apply it in our professional future.

The flag consists of a rectangle divided into three colored stripes of green, white and blue. Together with the mascot and the shield it is part of the symbols of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology.
Green is the color of this beautiful and exuberant nature that surrounds us and to which we are committed to take care of it and live in harmony with it. It also represents the growth of our university and the fertility to produce the good men and women that our country needs. The white is the faith we have in young people and the purity of intention in our thoughts and deeds. And finally the blue, which represents the color of the sky and the sea of our country, the loyalty and trust in our educational community and the faith with which we promote our work.