Umecit – University in Panama

Sport as a UMECIT Strategy

Course of Meaningful Learning of the Technical-Tactical Fundamentals in Volleyball.



Extension Address

Continuing Education


40 Hours - June 5 to 9, 2023



Extension Address

Continuing Education

At UMECIT, you can strengthen your

Professional Knowledge
Course of Meaningful Learning of the Technical-Tactical Fundamentals in Volleyball.


Sports training is the science that is responsible for delving into the methodological process and structuring the work plan for the preparation of an athlete or subject before a competition. This takes into account the laws and principles that govern nature to build a dynamic and evolutionary process that allows the physical exercise, sport and recreation professional to adequately direct a subject throughout its competitive cycle.
In the process of elaboration and construction of this program, the traditional conceptions of teaching Volleyball have been turned upside down towards meaningful learning, where the practitioner becomes an active subject of their own cognitive development and management, flexible, with degrees of freedom, by participating consciously from the first moments in the execution of the simplest exercises depending on the specific motor task, typical of the discipline.

The course seeks university professionals, technicians and technologists in physical exercise sciences; physical activity; sports and recreation; as undergraduate students; postgraduate in physical exercise, sports and recreation sciences; professionals in the health area, athletes, coaches, managers of volleyball leagues and clubs, can appropriate scientific instruments for the analysis of the main contemporary phenomena that are involved in the development of the technical and tactical elements of volleyball. In the same way, an approach is made from the axiological component of human activity, as well as the understanding of ethical and moral values.

Daniel Efren Garcia Gonzalez

2019. Departmental Institute of Recreation and Sports of Santander. INDER SANTANDER. Santander-Colombia. Technical Director of the Male and Female teams of the Santander-Colombia Volleyball League. 

2018 – 2019. Santo Tomas de Bucaramanga University. USTA BGA. Santander-Colombia. Professor of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation. Director and/or co-director of the thesis to opt for the title of Professional in Physical Culture and Sport. Research professor in the XI Call for Research Universidad Santo Tomás.

2015-2018. Santo Tomas de Bucaramanga University. USTA BGA. Santander-Colombia. Sports Coordinator, Department of Promotion and Institutional Well-being. 

2013-2015. Family Compensation Fund Compensar-District Education Secretariat. Bogota DC-Colombia. Guiding teacher of the volleyball discipline for the Sports Training Schools program.

2008-2010. University Santo Tomas. Bogota DC-Colombia. USTA BGTA. Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation. Research assistant. Research Group in Sciences Applied to Physical Exercise, Sport and Health

Professionals, technicians and technologists in physical exercise sciences, physical activity, sports and recreation, undergraduate and postgraduate students in physical exercise sciences, sports and recreation, health professionals, athletes, coaches, directors of volleyball clubs and leagues

Modules with time intentionality and themes to develop 
General Component: G1
Module: Pedagogical characterization of the sport of Volleyball
Hrs/TD: 6
Hrs/TA: 2
Date General : 28/02/19

General Component: G2
Module: Physiological basis of motor habit formation in Volleyball
Hrs/TD: 6
Hrs/TA: 2
General Date:

Fundamental Component: F1
Module: Teaching technical-tactical skills under game conditions and demands.
Hrs/TD: 6
Hrs/TA: 2
General Date:

Fundamental Component: F2
Module: Technical-tactical preparation in game conditions and demands.
Hrs/TD: 6
Hrs/TA: 2
General Date:

Fundamental Component: F3
Module: Means and methods for physical preparation
Hrs/TD: 6
Hrs/TA: 2
General Date:

Total hours: Hrs/TD: 30
Total hours: Hrs/TA: 10
Total hours: 40

The purpose of the systematic evaluation is to verify the achievement of the objectives of the teaching activities that are carried out during the execution of the educational teaching process in the course through the assessment of the result obtained by the students in the development of the class tasks, work extra – classes, investigative work, oral questions, preparation of summaries, and presentations, based on a scientific approach.

Undergraduate students and technical or technological programs in physical exercise, sports and recreation sciences must have completed at least the academic space of volleyball in their respective program.

International Diploma
Analysis and Planning of High Performance Sports Training

Santo Tomas Bucaramanga- Colombia

Sport as a UMECIT Strategy

Course of Meaningful Learning of the Technical-Tactical Fundamentals in Volleyball.

Contact us and start now

Headquarters Panama Building A

Phone: (+507) 264-9908
Founders Main Building: Transístmica, Vía Simón Bolívar

La Chorrera Headquarters Building A

Phone: (+507) 254-1141
Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.

Chitre Headquarters Building A

Phone: (+507) 996-4260
In front of the Herrera park.

Santiago Headquarters Building A

Phone: (+507) 998-0363
2nd street diagonal to vector control.

David Headquarters Building A

Phone: (+507) 788-0018
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.

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