Diploma in Virtual Pedagogical Environments and the Use of Digital Tools in the Teaching-Learning Process
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Provide teachers in public and private schools and colleges, as well as higher education teachers, training that trains them in the management of virtual environments and in the use of digital tools. This will allow the teaching-learning process to be practical, efficient and of high quality. Thus, through virtual seminars accompanied by tutors, the teacher training process will be guided.
- Develop skills and innovative pedagogical practices in the use of virtual learning environments.
- Understand the process of construction of collaborative knowledge mediated by technology.
- Explain the appropriate use of ICT as a partial complement to the face-to-face classroom in pedagogical praxis.
- Analyze the use of ICT-based didactic resources as a strategy for mediating the teaching-learning process.
- Promote the development of skills associated with the processes of construction of own materials for virtual education.
- Generate evaluation strategies based on the use of technological tools.
- Day 1: Virtual learning: characteristics of education in virtual environments. Virtual communities: social dimension of virtual learning communities, as well as the educational approach of social networks.
- Day 2: Virtual classrooms: characteristics and use of virtual classrooms. Challenges of online teaching (pedagogical, methodological, technical and personal challenges).
- Day 3: Limitations that must be counteracted during the process: the best practices to follow to obtain effective learning.
- Day 4: Competences to develop as teachers in virtual processes (pedagogical, technical and administrative competences): most common mistakes when the teacher changes from the face-to-face environment to the virtual environment.
- Day 5: E-Learning communication tools: online communication and digital educational platforms.
- Day 6: Synchronous tools (chat, video conferences, digital whiteboard on-line in real time): available types of each of these synchronous tools and asynchronous tools (email, forum, distribution lists, newsgroups, among others).
- Day 7: Educational platforms: training platforms, free software platforms and commercial platforms.
- Day 8: Quality indicators of a training platform: technical quality, organizational quality, communicational quality and didactic quality.
- Day 9: E-Learning tutoring: E-Learning tutoring competencies, E-Learning students and E-Learning student competencies.
- day 10: Design of the E-Learning training: selection and design of the virtual learning environment, design of the training action, definition of objectives and design and organization of the contents.
- Day 11: Selection of tools and learning interface: learning activities.
- Day 12: Evaluation of E-Learning training: evaluation criteria, instruments and evaluation activities and moments of evaluation.
- Day 13: Design of an instructional module: instructional module models, components of the instructional design, phases of the instructional design, analysis of needs such as design, elaboration, execution and evaluation.
- Day 14: Characteristics of an instructional module: parts of the instructional module, integration into the curriculum, information skills, and the curriculum.
- Day 15: Organization of the content: selection of activities, construction of the module and areas of evaluation.
- Day 16: Group evaluations: group evaluation techniques and tools that can be used in the generation of group evaluations.
Contact us and start now
Headquarters Panama Building A
Phone: (+507) 264-9908 Founders Main Building: Transístmica, Vía Simón Bolívar
La Chorrera Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 788-0018
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.