Virtual Education
At UMECIT we have created this directorate with the objective of the tacit and practical implementation of the Cyberhumanist Curricular Educational Model.
The Virtual Education Department allows the tacit and practical implementation of the Cyber-humanist Curricular Educational Model, based on the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies as an enhancer of the UMECIT teaching-learning process.
The virtual education modality is systemic, where the technological, administrative and academic components converge, so one of the main pillars is planning, where transversality is evident in the curricular design.
The scheme approved by the UMECIT Academic Council prepares a new didactics or way of conducting educational processes virtually, supported by a Unit of Educational Technology and Teaching Innovation.
In the same way, it is in charge of preparing the contents, whether written or audiovisual, in order to optimize communication resources, taking into account the concept of multiple intelligences in order to guarantee learning.

Ramiro Rueda Ossa