Umecit – University in Panama

At UMECIT we have developed this direction to plan, organize, direct, supervise, and evaluate the academic and administrative processes of the university


Continuing Education and Graduates

The Subprogram of Continuing Education and Graduates of the UMECIT contemplates, in the first instance, the extracurricular training offered to the educational community of the institution and to the general population of the country, through seminars, workshops, courses, diploma courses, congresses, symposiums, forums, conferences, among others. These extracurricular events complement and satisfy the academic needs of our students, updating and perfecting the professional profile they will graduate with. They also serve as an integrating platform with other institutions, both public and private, with which the University is linked, providing a training service according to their needs. It also allows the University graduates to articulate with the academy, either as a participant in these academic events or as their facilitator.

This project contemplates continuing education actions that pursue the development and strengthening of specific skills in the student population, teachers, companies and the community in general, to respond to the demands of the labor market, after a diagnosis of the region's socioeconomic needs. These actions transcend from the Agreements and Internationalization program the academic offer from virtuality, which is argued as a cutting-edge continuing education, available to technology.


Ricaurte Rodríguez

Continuing Education Coordinator


Eusebio A. Morales street, in front of the Martin Fierro Restaurant


(+507) 263 2519
