Umecit – University in Panama

Virtual Community


At UMECIT we have created the Educational Technology and Teaching Innovation Unit in order to promote innovative methodologies based on new technologies.

Educational Technology and Teaching Innovation Unit

The Educational Technology and Teaching Innovation Unit (ETTIU) has been created to support the Academic Vice-Rectorate and the Research, Extension and Academic Departments, in order to promote innovative methodologies based on new technologies and promote the quality of the training process offered.

This unit is in charge of the design and development of educational resources in Scorm, and educational audiovisual productions that are disseminated through the E-learning Platforms, Web Radio Channel, Radio TV Channel, social networks; in the process of consolidation of the Cyberhumanist Educational Model inserting Information and Communication Technologies in favor of the teaching-learning processes in the semi-face-to-face and virtual modality.

UMECIT Admissions

Our Faculties

Universities accredited by the National Council for University Evaluation and Accreditation of Panama