Rights and duties
Article 16: Are rights of the students of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology “UMECIT”:Receive professional training of quality and excellence as part of your constitutional right.
- Respect the free development of personality and thought.
- Be respected as part of the university community.
- Have access to the institutional information system that corresponds to the regulations that govern the university.
- Form and be part of university life.
- Make good use of the University's resources and services, both academic and Welfare university.
- Be listened to, assisted and guided by those who have the management and teaching responsibility of the university.
- Participate in events, meetings and curricular and extracurricular academic activities that are part of the academic development of the study plan.
- Submit written requests and complaints to the competent university authority.

Article 17: Are homework of the students of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology “UMECIT”:
- Know the Student Regulations and comply with them.
- Respect all members of the university community.
- Maintain and increase the dignity, ethics and prestige of the University.
- Respect the free expression of ideas, doctrines and beliefs of both your colleagues and other members of the institution.
- Know and comply with the university rules contained in the statutes and regulations.
- Comply with the financial obligations acquired in the contract for the provision of educational services.
- Know and stay informed of your academic status.
- Demonstrate excellent conduct, attached to the universal principles of morality and good customs inside and outside the university campus.
- Participate in the different social, scientific, cultural and recreational activities programmed by the Institution.
- Comply with attendance at classes and other activities related to academic work, in accordance with article 29 of these regulations.
- Contribute to the conservation of the physical plant and the good management of virtual platforms, as well as the use of the resources that are part of the tangible and intangible assets of the University and that are at its service (furniture and fixtures, computer equipment, audiovisual equipment, laboratories, teaching material and loan and/or use of University Welfare) and take responsibility for any damage intentionally caused.
- Take care of personal belongings, since the institution is not responsible for them, and return those that do not belong to you to the university's administrative staff to manage their return.
- Do not appear at the Institution while intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics or intoxicating drugs.
- Do not ingest, sell or distribute narcotics or intoxicating drugs within university facilities.
- Refrain from entering restricted areas without proper authorization.
- Take care of your correct personal presentation in accordance with the requirements of the professional profile for which you are trained in all modalities (face-to-face, blended and virtual). See protocol for entering classes in any modality and academic program.
- For safety reasons, the use of sunglasses, caps and hats is prohibited within the university facilities, except for a health situation.
- Use cell phones in silent mode when the teacher starts the class or activity.
- Do not consume food and drinks inside the classrooms (in-person, blended modalities).
- Completely eliminate violent activities and foul language.
- Carry out tests and assignments related to the development of the subjects honestly and without fraud.
- Formally notify your withdrawal to the person in charge of refunds and withdrawals of the Institution, or to the Directorate of Virtual Education in the case of being a student of this modality. If you do not do so, the contract continues its course, and therefore, the financial obligation acquired and accepted.
- Pay the annual group accident insurance during the time you are pursuing your degree. (Only for students residing in the Republic of Panama).
- The student is obliged to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), together with the virtual platforms established by the University.
- Complete the preparatory courses designed for your academic program if necessary.
- Do not carry weapons of any kind within university facilities.
- Be aware of the platforms, social networks and university website, since these are ideal means of notification of the various university activities and stages.