
Umecit – University in Panama

"Educating for the Future"

Sports Project FUTSAL Cup UMECIT 22

Sports Project Achieving Goals through Sport

General Objective

The Sports Project UMECIT 22 FUTSAL Cup, "Educating for the Future" seeks to increase the levels of participation of adolescents from 17 to 18 years of age in physical, sports and recreational activities for the educational and recreational use of their free time, using the facilities, human resources and other materials available , in order to satisfy more and more efficiently the individual and social needs of physical recreation as a service that contributes to raising the quality of life.

Specific objectives

Design a project of physical, sports and recreational activities with the rational use of free time.

Diversify by offering physical, sports and recreational options based on the tastes and preferences of adolescents, prioritizing activities with the longest tradition in the community, such as soccer.

Increase the levels of participation in physical, sports and recreational activities, both as a participant and as a spectator.

Potential sports cups and tournaments of short and long duration in the state student community.

Reduce the rates of risk factors in the community through physical, sports and recreational activities.

Aimed at graduate students from official schools, through the organization of a futsal tournament, where the goal will be the participation of 24 teams from official schools, from the educational regions of North Panama, Central Panama and East Panama.

This project called: UMECIT 22 FUTSAL Cup, "Educando para el Futuro", had the support of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT- and seeks the direct participation of around 360 students/players and 500 indirectly as fans, in addition to the venues , which will give the project even more scope.

Offer an opportunity for continuous higher study to students with few opportunities and enhance the image of the University in the development of social activities at a national level.
  • Ministry of Education (MEDUCA), under the National Directorate of Student Affairs and its director, Professor Kennedy Vargas, who are a fundamental part of this project. 
  • Municipality of Panama, who help us and facilitate some of the courts, for the championship. 
  • Color House, who make our clothes and their lithography. 
  • International Bilingual Institute (IBI), the main stage for the championship. 

The project is contemplated, to link it with the different communication platforms, which the University has, in order to get the most out of its reach. 

The estimated time for the completion of the tournament is two (2); months starting on June 18 and ending on July 23, 2022, approximately, taking into account the week of recess at the end of the 1st quarter.

Directors and Emblems – UMECIT 22 FUTSAL Cup

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