Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering Technician
CTDA-049-2019 (03/28/2019)
Career Description
The Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering Technician can develop in the industrial and business environment. The graduate will be able to work in the areas of telecommunications, automation, management control, preventive and corrective maintenance, quality control and installation of electronic machinery or telecommunications equipment and networks.
The Electronics and Telecommunications Technician from its study plan is focused on the student to develop skills in the areas of mathematics, linguistics, languages, business management, legislation and occupational safety regulations that will strengthen the integral development of the graduates of the career.
- Telecommunications companies.
- Municipalities, equipment and materials companies, local governments, and ministries.
- Industrial sector companies.
- Systems and network companies.
- Original and copy (collation) of the high school diploma approved by MEDUCA or its equivalent (in case of being a foreigner the documents must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of their respective country and have the endorsement of the Ministry of Education of Panama).
- Photocopy of identity card. In case the applicant is a minor or a foreigner, two copies of the birth certificate or two copies of the passport, respectively, must be submitted.
- Two passport-size photographs.
- Medical certificate of good health.
- Copy of identity card and signature of the person responsible for payment.
- Fill out the application form to join the program.
- The permanence in the Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications Technician will depend solely and exclusively on the student, his motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree. However, it will be necessary to observe the following terms:
- In the same way, the student must keep in mind that his or her general average or cumulative index in his or her career cannot be less than 71, based on a maximum score of 100.
- In order to pass each subject, the student must obtain a grade of no less than C and maintain an individual and cumulative academic index of no less than 1.00. (Scale of 1 to 3.00).
- No student will be able to continue in the course if he/she has a four-month cumulative index lower than 1.00.
To obtain the degree of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications Technician is required:
- Fulfill the complete established curriculum.
- Pass all subjects in the study plan with a minimum grade of C or 71 points.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than one (1.0) on a scale of one to three.
- Maintain an average equal to or higher than 71 and have no subjects lower than 71.
- Pass a knowledge test in English.
- Satisfactorily complete the supervised internship. Prepare and submit the corresponding report.
- Be in good standing with the institution.
- Know the specialized equipment used in the transformation industry and in modern information networks.
- Analyze the technical characteristics of new equipment and applications.
- Master the principles of digital and analog electronics to work with low power equipment, oriented to the management of information in PC, audio equipment, telephony, radio transmitters, video recorders, among others.
- Students will have conceptual information about electronic devices and systems that will allow them to develop applications in the fields of computing and data networks, audio and video, electronic control and security systems.
- Recognize the various processes that explain the creation of a company in the area of telecommunications and/or electronics.
- Install specialized equipment specific to the processing industry and modern information networks.
- Put into operation digital and analog electronics equipment.
- Handle low power equipment oriented to the handling of information in PC, audio equipment, telephony, radio transmitters, video recorders, among others.
- Use electronic devices and systems to develop applications in the fields of computing and data networks, audio and video. In addition to electronic control and security systems.
- Demonstrate critical thinking in the search for solutions to problems presented in the field of their work.
- Persuasively handle conflictive situations with external or internal customers.
- Collaborate with colleagues and customers to achieve the objectives set.
- Propose preventive behaviors related to the business to avoid conflicts.
- Maintain a permanent attitude of self-improvement.
- Maintain an attitude of permanent improvement.
- Show social conscience and responsibility in the organizations.
- Show awareness and social responsibility in organizations.
Contact us and start now
Panama Building B Veneto
(+507) 264-8154 (+507) 395-7383
Via Veneto, LA street, Building 49B, Bella Vista.