Master’s Degree in Management of Social Welfare Projects
- CURRENT RESOLUTION OF THE MASTER'S DEGREE: Blended Modality: CTDA-08-2021 (01/28/2021)Virtual Modality: CTDA-09-202I (01/28/2021)
- CURRENT RESOLUTION OF THE SPECIALIZATION: Blended Modality: CTDA-03-2021 (01/28/2021) Virtual Modality: CTDA-06-2021 (01/28/2021)
Career Description
The Master in Social Welfare Project Management is a social work professional or other related disciplines, with skills for a technical, scientific and humanistic approach to social welfare, based on the recognition and intervention of national and international reality, with a focused approach in the production of knowledge and the management of projects as axes for development, based on a management focused on the process of development and social change, enhancing the planning, organization, direction, coordination and control skills required to approach projects .
The Specialization in Social Welfare Projects allows the graduate to access the following labor fields:
- Participation in the public and private field, in the formulation of social welfare projects, based on diagnoses and evaluation of the needs of the social context.
- Teaching in the area of social intervention.
- Advice on the definition of strategies conducive to citizen intervention and participation in the formulation of social welfare projects.
The Master's Degree in Social Welfare Project Management offers the tools to its potential graduates to work within the following work disciplines:
- Management of social impact studies generated by the implementation of welfare projects and previous diagnoses.
- Technical advice in national and international organizations for the management of social welfare projects that contribute to scientific progress in the field of social sciences. (sources of financing, feasibility evaluation, application of models, techniques and instruments for the development of projects, writing of technical reports).
- Teaching in the area of social intervention.
The Program is aimed at Social Work professionals and related areas that converge in the multidisciplinary management of a social welfare project, whether from public or private organizations. By virtue of this, with the entrance requirements to the Specialization Formulation of Social Welfare Projects and the Master's Degree in Management of Social Welfare Projects are the following documents that must be scanned from their original and sent to the promoter to be hosted on the platform respective:
- Bachelor's degree or its equivalent (if you are a foreigner, the document must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country.)
- Credits or degree notes or their equivalent (if you are a foreigner, the documents must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country).
- Identity document, identity card or passport in the case of foreigners and reside in Panama during their studies.
- Two passport size photos.
- Application letter
- Fill out the application form in electronic format.
Note: Students enrolled in virtual modality whose nationality is different from Panamanian, must present a scanned personal identity document from the country of origin (ID).
The permanence in the University will depend solely and exclusively on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree. The duration of permanence at the University will be a minimum of four (4) quarters. The student must maintain an Academic Index of at least 2.0 and/or a minimum grade of 81 (B) to remain in both the Specialization and the Master's Degree.
Given the characteristics of the University the student will be able to perform in terms of:
- Study in teams and individually.
- Develop research skills based on discovery learning.
- Deepen in the disciplinary knowledge that is of interest to them.
- Respect for the Disciplinary Regulation of the
- Keep their payments up to date.
- Attend 80% of the meetings.
- In case of prolonged absence, duly present the argument
- All students must attend at least 80% of each one of the classes of the subjects scheduled in the semester.
- Attendance is mandatory for students under face-to-face and semi face-to-face learning modality for at least 80% of the classes.
- In the case of virtual studies, attendance is regulated by constant interaction in all activities planned on the platform, including synchronous and asynchronous meetings, as well as the development of the student's autonomous work.
To obtain the Specialist Title in Formulation of Social Welfare Projects, the following is required:
- Take and pass the academic content of the first two (2) semesters, containing 27 credits.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three (3.00).
- Maintain a grade point average equal or higher than 2.0 and have no subjects lower than 81.
- Submit an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years).
- Certify the use of computer tools.
- Elaborate, support and approve the degree work (monograph).
- Good standing of all treasury fees, (Tuition, monthly fees, degree fees, among others).
To obtain the Master's Degree in Social Welfare Project Management, the following is required:
- To have satisfactorily passed all the subjects of the study plan.
- Maintain a cumulative and individual academic index per subject of 2.0.
- Submit an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years).
- Submit an exam or certificate on the use of computer tools.
- To have submitted their graduation work or equivalent.
The graduate of the Specialization in Formulation of Social Welfare Projects It will perform evidencing competencies focused on the following knowledge:
- It will evaluate the real needs of the socioeconomic context of Panama and Latin America, based on the identification of problems that require intervention from the formulation of projects.
- You will understand the fundamentals of social planning in attention to the approach of policies, plans and programs for social welfare.
- It will analyze the political and legislative framework of social and human development worldwide, and therefore, in Panama.
- You will learn about the various epistemic models that argue for the construction of social reality, from the development of multidisciplinary scientific thought.
- They will master the conceptual and theoretical arguments that explain the models and processes of social management, starting from the existing methodological proposals.
- It will identify the plurality of strategies conducive to citizen intervention and participation in the formulation of social welfare projects.
- They will argue from a scientific perspective the foundations that contribute to the development of their research proposal.
- You will learn about the implicit methodological process in the design and formulation of social welfare projects, contemplating the basic principles of organizational planning, leadership, and decision-making.
- It will carry out participatory diagnoses on the national and international socioeconomic needs, which justify the scope of the formulation of the social welfare project.
- It will design and apply methodological instruments for data collection, which enable the construction of the state of the art on the social intervention to be carried out.
- It will apply methodologies for the analysis of contextual problems, based on the various international frameworks and policies on social matters.
- It will formulate intervention strategies and citizen participation in response to the detected needs.
- It will develop proposals or intervention projects to attend to and increase the social welfare of the community.
- You will exercise leadership and decision-making skills with an innovative, ethical and normative nature.
Being / Living:
- Demonstrate ethical commitment, leadership capacity, initiative and curiosity regarding their performance in the formulation of social welfare projects.
- It will assume respect for the principles, customs and ideas of the neglected groups that are the focus of attention in the project to be formulated.
- It will promote the participation of all members of the community in the decision-making process inherent to the intervention proposal to be formulated.
- You will develop a harmonious climate that fosters effective interpersonal relationships among the experts of the multidisciplinary team.
- It will maintain criteria of confidentiality and on the vulnerable situations detected that could affect the psychological integrity of the actors involved.
- You will develop a reflective critical attitude about the exercise of your professional activity in the social area.
As for the graduate of the Master's Degree in Social Welfare Project Management, it will perform in the social, clinical, labor context, among others, demonstrating competencies focused on the following knowledge:
- It will recognize the multiple existing models for the evaluation of projects in the social area, emphasizing the study of their impact.
- It will identify the set of logical and systematic techniques, instruments and procedures that make possible the evaluation of projects oriented to social welfare.
- Master the conceptualizations that explain social phenomena from a statistical perspective.
- It will analyze the importance of the evaluation indicators of a social welfare project.
- You will know the theoretical arguments that support your research phenomenon from a scientific perspective.
- You will understand the process of negotiation and conflict resolution in light of the theoretical approach that refers to it.
- It will analyze the various sources of public and private financing for the management of projects with social impact.
- They will interpret the approach to the evaluation of social projects as a tool for continuous improvement within the framework of quality.
- It will carry out social impact studies generated by welfare projects, based on existing models.
- It will build instruments for the evaluation of social welfare projects.
- They will carry out statistical-quantitative calculations associated with the management phases of a project.
- It will formulate evaluation indicators corresponding to the needs and intentions of a social welfare project.
- It will produce knowledge from the methodological exercise of the investigation, to contribute to the scientific advancement of the disciplinary area of the social sciences.
- Applies strategies to approach negotiation and conflict management pertinently.
- It will manage sources of financing that enable the realization of the social welfare project.
- It will evaluate social welfare projects articulating the models, techniques, instruments, procedures and indicators provided for this purpose.
- Will write technical reports that show compliance with the phases of the project.
Being / Living:
- It will value the development of critical thinking and the ability to reflect on the social needs that prevail in Panama and the region.
- Demonstrate teamwork capacity and leadership in managing social welfare projects.
- Will act with professional ethics when preparing compliance reports and social welfare projects.
- You will assume a critical and innovative attitude oriented to problem solving.
- They will perform leadership skills when negotiating and resolving conflicts, in accordance with the respect of the parties involved for effective decision making.
- It will manifest adaptation to change in the face of the production of knowledge and social interventions carried out.
- It will demonstrate social commitment by managing projects that contribute to increasing the well-being of all its members.
- You will have social sensitivity towards political, cultural and technological variables.
- You will prove to be receptive and conciliatory to achieve the objectives of the projects to be developed.
Contact us and start now
Headquarters C Panama Masters
Phone: 263-2519 Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.
La Chorrera Headquarters
Phone: 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters
Phone: 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters
Phone: 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters
Phone: 788-0018 / 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.