Master’s Degree in ICT Didactics
- MASTER IN ICT TEACHING At Virtual Distance: Res. CTDA-335-2022 09/14/2022 Blended Distance Learning: Res. CTDA-334-2022 09/14/2022
- SPECIALIZATION IN ICT DIDACTIC At Virtual Distance: Res. CTDA-332-2022 09/14/2022 Blended Distance Learning: Res. CTDA-331-2022 09/14/2022
Career Description
At present, the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has been occupying an increasingly relevant place in education. The incorporation of ICTs into the educational process has become a strategic objective aligned with the rapid changes and challenges posed by the knowledge society and the cyber-community.
Technological achievements have promoted an expansion of communication and the availability of computer resources that, according to their use in education, can motivate and originate a quantitative and qualitative change in educational practice.
The program of Specialization and Master's Degree in Didactics of ICT offers professionals in the educational field a training space where the opening of spaces for technological development from teaching praxis is recognized and promoted, through which skills are developed that contribute to the transformation of traditional teaching paradigms and educational schemes towards new ones. academic scenarios, supported by technological tools, didactics, design of innovative materials and the use of unconventional educational resources, based on the use of technology.
It is also intended that the teaching professional develop skills for the design and execution of research directly related to teaching praxis, articulated to the use of information and communication technologies, as well as training them in the application and modernization of the practice. curriculum in the face of new educational challenges that contribute to reducing the digital divide.
The graduate of the Master's Degree in Didactics of ICTs will be able to perform efficiently at the national or international level in areas such as:
- Teaching practice with expertise in handling new technologies and with the ability to interpret communication codes.
- Promotion and development of educational and institutional projects of curricular transformation from ICT.
The entry requirements for the Master's Degree in Tic'S Didactics are:
- Photocopy of Official Credits issued by the respective institution and where the academic index is greater than 1.5 on a scale of 3.
- 2 Copies of identity card or passport in case of being a foreigner.
- 2 Passport size photos.
- 1 Copy of Bachelor's degree or Professional Title. In case of being a foreigner (apostilled).
- 1 Copy of credits. In case of being a foreigner (apostilled).
- Resume.
- Applicant letter.
- Certificate of good health.
- The permanence in the University will depend solely and exclusively on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree.
- Satisfactorily pass all the subjects of the master's study plan.
- Maintain a cumulative and individual academic index per subject of 2.0.
- Submit an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years).
- Submit an exam or certificate on the use of computer tools.
- Support your degree work or equivalent.
- Complete and pass all the subjects of the curriculum with a minimum grade of 81 points equivalent to a B.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three (3.00).
- Take a certification exam of a second language recognized by UNESCO, in accordance with internal regulations.
- Carry out, support and approve the 80-hour teaching practice with their respective.
- Be in good standing with the institution (financial, academic, and library).
To obtain the Master's Degree in ICT TEACHING, the following is required:
- Take and pass all the academic contents of the program.
- Complete and pass all the subjects of the curriculum with a minimum grade of 81 points equivalent to a B.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three (3.00).
- Take a certification exam of a second language recognized by UNESCO, in accordance with internal regulations.
- Prepare, support and approve a research project in the area of training (graduate work).
At the end of their training process, it is expected that the graduate of the Specialization in Didactics of Tics and Master's Degree in Didactics of Tics will have developed the necessary skills to understand and intervene in the educational reality in its entirety and complexity. Based on the tools offered by the program, students will be able to propose strategies, methods, and actions aimed at solving problems in the educational context and strengthening the various processes, projects, and investigations that are developed within this area.
In the labor field Graduates from the Master's Degree in ICT Didactics will be able to perform efficiently at the national or international level in areas such as:
- Teaching practice with expertise in handling new technologies and with the ability to interpret communication codes.
- Promotion and development of educational and institutional projects of curricular transformation from the
The competences developed by the Specialist in Didactics of ICTs and Master in Didactics of ICTs will be reflected in a broad and integral way, in their acting and thinking, personally and at work, from the dimensions of knowing, doing, being, living and undertaking.
- It delves into the study of educational and research epistemic paradigms or models.
- Understands the concepts, uses and characteristics of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Learning and Knowledge Technologies (TAC) that facilitate training processes.
- Get to know the culture, innovation and education to which the notion of learning, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, knowledge managers, autonomy in learning, inquiry, reading texts and contexts are based from a critical, analytical and innovative perspective.
- Analyzes the relationship between technology and learning processes.
- It promotes the design of a new model for the use of ICT and communication technologies, for the nations and the Latin American region in general.
- Get to know the new learning models from the instrumentation of new communication technologies
- It deepens the structure, methodologies and relationships between neuroscience and learning in a specific context.
- Know and deepen the abilities and skills in the documentary review process for the development of the theoretical foundation of the investigation of didactics of tics.
- Uses the study of educational and research epistemic paradigms or models to carry out their work
- Applies the concepts, uses and characteristics of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Learning and Knowledge Technologies (TAC) that facilitate processes.
- It applies culture, innovation and education to which the notion of learning, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, knowledge managers, autonomy in learning, inquiry, reading of texts and contexts are based from a critical, analytical and innovative perspective; for the creation of programs with emphasis on tics.
- Develops the relationship between technology and the learning processes of ICT didactics.
- It develops designs for new models of the use of ICT and communication technologies, for the nations and the Latin American region in general.
- Make new learning models from the instrumentation of new communication technologies
- Develops the structure, methodologies and relationships between neuroscience and learning in a given context.
- It generates heterogeneous projects for attention to diversity and respect for differences.
- It carries out documentary review processes for the development of the theoretical foundation of the investigation of the didactics of tics.
- It is formed as a free being, capable of analyzing, reasoning and developing arguments, in the face of the various situations presented by the context in which it operates.
- Participate responsibly, critically and actively in society and contribute to strengthening democracy.
- Takes responsibility for their own actions and their influence on others.
- It acts as an agent of change for the community in general and for the learning process of the students, in particular.
- Respects cultural diversity between individuals and social groups.
- Possesses ethical, moral, spiritual, family, civic, cultural, social and political values.
- Develop a reflective, critical and creative attitude to detect and analyze curricular problems in the educational field.
- He critically reflects on the various essential problems that contextualize pedagogy, becoming a valid interlocutor in his institution and in his area of practice of pedagogy and educational sciences.
- Understands the importance of ethics in making transcendental and prospective decisions for the formation of the new citizen.
- It has an open attitude to change resulting from consultation and participation, which promotes transformations in favor of the entire community.
- He values teamwork in the different scenarios of his professional action.
- Understands the importance of permanent professional updating.
- Promotes the analysis of the technological and communication environment from a holistic perspective, considering all the elements and factors that intervene in it, to make assertive decisions and generate truly actions.
- Develop processes of reflection and evaluation that lead to the identification of the needs, shortcomings, strengths and opportunities of your work and that of your team, leading to growth and improvement.
- It generates solid projects from tics, based on rigorous analysis of contextual needs and the development of structured strategies based on consensus and assertive communication.
- Manages resources, time, spaces, alliances, to optimize their work and that of their work team, with a view to educational quality
- Develops updating and continuous training processes, applying new methodologies, practices, resources and ways of approaching educational processes based on tics that aim at innovation at different levels and
- Demonstrates initiative to present novel proposals, related to the curricular design based on ICTs, which tend to improve education, at a regional, national and international level.
Contact us and start now
Headquarters C Panama Masters
Phone: 263-2519 Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.
La Chorrera Headquarters
Phone: 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters
Phone: 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters
Phone: 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters
Phone: 788-0018 / 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.