Master’s Degree in Educational Sciences with intermediate exit in Specialization in Pedagogy
- Date of Approval: 20/01/2023
- With intermediate exit from the Specialization in Pedagogy RES: CTDA-09-2023 – In-personRES.:CTDA-10-2023 - Blended RES.:CTDA-11-2023 - Virtual
- Date of Approval: 20/01/2023
Career Description
The Master's Degree in Educational Sciences, from an analytical and explanatory vision, allows to delve into theoretical-practical aspects related to the educational area. The objective is to guide the professional towards the approach of educational phenomena with a comprehensive perspective (inter and transdisciplinary), articulating it with other disciplines to achieve a comprehensive understanding and explanation of educational processes.
For its part, pedagogy as a Science of Education refers to the training process itself, which, approached from its social and human nature, characterizes it as a science of an applied nature.
The object of study of the Specialization in Pedagogy and Master's in Education Sciences career includes knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations that allow the analysis, interpretation and investigation of the teaching and learning processes and the themes related to the curricular design for the teaching of various disciplines.
The Master's Degree in Educational Sciences with an intermediate exit in Specialization in Pedagogy promotes the participation of professionals in a responsible, critical and active manner within society, providing research proposals to solve problems in educational work in a relevant and contextualized manner.
The development of professionals with a high academic level is promoted, endowed with the educational skills, tools, and strategies necessary to perform their appropriate role as professionals in the area of education and generators of actions aimed at the transformation and continuous improvement of education.
The Specialization in Pedagogy is oriented towards the training of research teachers who are knowledgeable about the educational reality and the orientation of methods, practices and techniques applied to teaching and education in general. The Master's Degree in Educational Sciences is oriented towards the training of purposeful teachers and researchers, knowledgeable about the educational reality, which they impact from their teaching praxis with proposed solutions to the problems of the educational environment.
Graduates from the postgraduate course in Education Sciences will be able to perform efficiently at the national or international level in areas such as:
- Creation of intervention projects for pedagogical development and improvement of educational quality in general.
- Advice on curricular and pedagogical design, management, evaluation and research processes.
- Promoter in the design of academic development programs in educational institutions.
- Manager of educational innovation processes that impact pedagogical processes.
All applicants must submit the following documentation duly scanned from the original and sent to the promoter to be uploaded to the respective platform:
- Bachelor's degree diploma or its equivalent
- Bachelor's degree credits or grades or their equivalent
- Identity document (passport in case of foreigners residing in Panama).
- A current passport-size photo
- Fill out the admission form in electronic format with the promoter.
If you are a foreigner, documents such as your high school diploma or its equivalent and high school credits or grades or its equivalent must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country. In the event that the country does not have a consulate, you must carry out the procedure with the official authorities that validate it.
Note: Students enrolled in virtual modality whose nationality is different from Panamanian, must present a copy of their personal identity document from the country of origin.
The permanence in the University will depend on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen degree.
Given the profile of the University's “Cyberhumanist” curricular educational model, the student must:
- Pass each subject with a minimum grade of 81 on a scale of 1 to 100 which is equivalent to B.
- Study in teams and individually.
- Develop research skills based on discovery learning.
- Deepen in the disciplinary knowledge that is of interest to them.
- Respect and comply with the regulations established by the statutes that regulate the relationship between the University and the students.
- Be up to date with their monthly payments.
- Attend at least 80% of the meetings under the face-to-face modality.
- For studies under the virtual modality, attendance is regulated by constant interaction in all activities planned on the platform, including synchronous and asynchronous meetings, as well as the development of the student's autonomous work.
- In case of prolonged absence, the student must present a justified argumentation.
- All students of the Specialization programs must have basic computer skills.
To obtain the Title of Specialist in Pedagogy, the following are required:
- Complete and pass all the subjects of the curriculum with a minimum grade of 81 points equivalent to a B.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three (3.00).
- Take a certification exam of a second language recognized by UNESCO, in accordance with internal regulations.
- Take and pass the teaching practice corresponding to 80 hours; prepare, support and approve the practice report.
- Be in good standing with the institution (financial, academic, and library).
To obtain the Master's Degree in Educational Sciences, the following are required:
- Complete and pass all the academic content of the program enrolled.
- Complete and pass all the subjects of the curriculum with a minimum grade of 81 points equivalent to a B.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three (3.00).
- Take a certification exam of a second language recognized by UNESCO, in accordance with internal regulations.
- Prepare, support and approve a research work in the Thesis training area (Degree Work).
- Be in good standing with the institution (financial, academic, and library).
In the case of foreign students, they must comply with the local regulations of the country of origin where they want to validate their degree.
At the end of their training process, it is expected that the graduate of the Specialization in Pedagogy and Master's Degree in Educational Sciences will have developed the necessary skills to understand and intervene in the educational reality in its entirety and complexity. Using the tools offered by the program, you will be able to propose strategies, methods and actions aimed at solving the problems of the educational context and strengthening the various processes, projects and research that are developed within this field.
In the work field you will have the opportunity to participate in multiple scenarios of the educational system, leading planning processes, curricular design, pedagogical evaluation, development of academic programs, management and implementation of innovative methodologies at any level and educational modality.
Within this framework, the graduate of this program will be able to work in ministries of education, in public or private institutions, as a university teacher, advisor, manager or educational director, performing efficiently at the national or international level in areas such as:
- Development of intervention projects for pedagogical advancement and improvement of educational quality in general.
- Advice on curricular and pedagogical design, management, evaluation and research processes.
- Promoter in the design of academic development programs in educational institutions.
- Manager of educational innovation processes that impact pedagogical processes.
The competencies developed by the Specialist in Pedagogy and Master in Educational Sciences will be reflected in a broad and comprehensive way, in their acting and thinking, personally and professionally, from the dimensions of knowing, doing, being, living and undertaking.
- Analyzes the implications of scientific, technological, psychosocial, economic and political changes related to education.
- Analyzes the curricular theories that facilitate the study of the educational phenomenon, in its double theoretical-practical dimension.
- Know the theoretical foundations of pedagogy and its relationship with teaching.
- Analyzes models and results of curricular research.
- Know the methodological and conceptual elements for the development of research in the field of pedagogy and educational sciences.
- It contributes to the training of human resources in the field of pedagogy and educational sciences.
- Has conceptual and practical mastery for the development of educational classroom projects.
- Master the aspects inherent to didactics, its implication and practical importance in teaching.
- Know the national and international regulations regarding inclusive education.
- Optimally carries out the processes of planning teaching content, organization, didactic transformation and evaluation of student learning, in the context of educational institutions.
- Lead the design and application of innovative pedagogical intervention projects, which are a real contribution to the optimization of teaching at any level of training.
- Designs, advises and directs improvement and innovation projects related to pedagogy and educational sciences.
- Implements innovative strategies in teaching methodology and other areas of educational work.
- It proposes programs for educational and pedagogical development.
- Promotes curricular and socio-educational transformations in its context.
- Advises curricular and pedagogical design, management, evaluation and research processes.
- Designs, manages and evaluates pedagogy at different levels and modalities of the educational system.
- He carries out his teaching work with a high competitive level, promoting educational quality.
- Develop strategies and instruments that facilitate the monitoring and control of the various processes of the educational system.
- It generates and materializes scientifically based research projects, thereby contributing to the development of its disciplinary teaching action, both in the context of its institution, as well as the country and the region.
- Demonstrates attitudes that promote teamwork with a proactive sense, for the harmonious and comprehensive development of its academic unit.
- Participates in training programs within your field of study.
- It acts as an agent of change for the community in general and for the learning process of the students, in particular.
- It is formed as a free being, capable of analyzing, reasoning and developing arguments, in the face of the various situations presented by the context in which it operates.
- Participate responsibly, critically and actively in society and contribute to strengthening democracy.
- It generates heterogeneous projects for attention to diversity and respect for differences.
- Takes responsibility for their own actions and their influence on others.
- Respects cultural diversity between individuals and social groups.
- Possesses ethical, moral, spiritual, family, civic, cultural, social and political values.
- Develop a reflective, critical and creative attitude to detect and analyze curricular problems in the educational field.
- He critically reflects on the various essential problems that contextualize pedagogy, becoming a valid interlocutor in his institution and in his area of practice of pedagogy and educational sciences.
- Understands the importance of ethics in making transcendental and prospective decisions for the formation of the new citizen.
- It has an open attitude to change resulting from consultation and participation, which promotes transformations in favor of the entire community.
- He values teamwork in the different scenarios of his professional action.
- Understands the importance of permanent professional updating.
- It promotes the analysis of the educational environment from a holistic perspective, considering all the elements and factors that intervene in it, to make assertive decisions and generate truly transformative actions.
- Develops reflection and evaluation processes that lead to the identification of the needs, shortcomings, strengths and opportunities of your work and that of your team, leading towards growth and continuous improvement.
- Generates solid projects, based on rigorous analysis of contextual needs and the development of structured strategies based on consensus and assertive communication.
- Manage resources, time, spaces, alliances, to optimize your work and that of your work team, with a view to educational quality.
- Develops updating and continuous training processes, applying new methodologies, practices, resources and ways of approaching educational processes, which aim at innovation at different levels and modalities.
- Demonstrates initiative to present innovative proposals, related to curricular design, pedagogical projects and evaluation methodologies, which promote the improvement and relevance of education, at a regional, national and international level.
After having complied with all the academic credits and administrative requirements required by the University authorities and contemplated in the specialization plans and programs, the student will receive the title of:
After having fulfilled all the academic credits and administrative requirements required by the University authorities and contemplated in the master's plans and programs, the student will receive the title of:
Contact us and start now
Headquarters C Panama Masters
Phone: 263-2519 Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.
La Chorrera Headquarters
Phone: 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters
Phone: 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters
Phone: 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters
Phone: 788-0018 / 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.