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Umecit – University in Panama

PhD in
Educational Sciences
with Emphasis in Educational Administration


6 semesters


Onsite - Distance
(Semi face-to-face / Virtual)


Humanities and Education Sciences

At UMECIT, you can strengthen your

Professional Knowledge


PhD in Educational Sciences with Emphasis in Educational Administration

Career Description

The PhD in Educational Sciences is a program of the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology (UMECIT) whose purpose is to train specialist researchers in the area of education. The program is designed to train postgraduates with high levels of intellectual, reflective and critical skills, who generate scientific production in the area, with criteria of rigor, relevance and ethical values; as well as the formation of leaders and agents of transformation of the educational system, nationally and internationally. Research is central to the program. It is offered in classroom and distance (virtual and blended) modalities.

The generation of knowledge takes the form of high quality inter, multi and transdisciplinary educational research, oriented to critical reflection on the current educational environment and its challenges, as well as the theoretical and practical contribution to the solution of problems.

The program emphasizes the training of independent researchers endowed with scientific capacities, competencies and skills to propose and develop innovative and original research projects in their area of specialty; as well as to generate new knowledge in the educational field relevant to the needs of the national and international context.

The PhD in Educational Sciences with an Emphasis in Educational Administration It is oriented towards the training of professionals in the field of research to generate new knowledge in the educational field, as well as the approach of the different models, methods, strategies and didactic techniques that lead to the implementation of new technologies in the field of education, allowing the Doctor to contribute holistically to the improvement of the quality of educational institutions at a national and international level. This emphasis generates research oriented towards issues inherent to strategic planning and educational management processes.
The development of the Doctorate is supported by a highly qualified and multidisciplinary faculty, of first national and international level, whose mission is to train with criteria of excellence.

The graduate of the doctorate in Educational Sciences with an emphasis in Educational Administration will be able to perform efficiently at the national or international level in areas such as:
  • Researcher in the educational area, capable of generating answers to the research problems detected in academic spaces at a managerial level, as well as contributing new ideas for the development of the national and/or international educational sector.
  • Teaching at the basic and/or higher education level.
  • Advice, planning, execution, monitoring or control of educational processes at any level of training, especially those associated with the responsibilities of educational management.
  • Advice and/or development of educational management processes in their field of work.
  • Training of researchers and training manager or incorporation to research and teaching networks at international or national level.
  • Management and administration of educational organizations.
  • Leadership of educational teams.
All applicants must present the following documentation completed and/or duly scanned from its original:
  • Electronic admission form.
  • Identification document.
  • Curriculum Vitae with recent photograph and respective supports.
  • Master's degree obtained.
  • Master's credits or notes or their equivalent obtained with a minimum index of 2.0.
  • Institutional format of doctoral research protocol.
  • Admission interview with the PhD Coordination.
If you are a foreigner, the aforementioned documents must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country. In the event that the country does not have a consulate, it must be processed before the official authorities that validate it.
  • Certification of basic knowledge of the Spanish language for foreign students other than their mother tongue.
  • Authorized translation into Spanish of titles and credits (if necessary)
Note: Students enrolled in virtual modality whose nationality is different from Panamanian, must present a copy of their personal identity document from the country of origin (ID). If you are a foreign student, these documents must be provided with an apostille seal or legalization through diplomatic channels and their translation into Spanish.

The permanence in the university will depend solely and exclusively on the student, on his motivation, ability and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree and this will be six (6) quarters. You must maintain an academic index of at least 2.0 and/or a minimum grade of 85 (B) to stay in the doctorate.

Given the characteristics of the university, the student will be able to perform in terms of:

  • Study in teams and individually.
  • Develop research skills based on discovery learning.
  • Deepen in the disciplinary knowledge that is of interest to them.
  • Respect the disciplinary regulations of the university.
  • Keep your payments up to date.
  • Attend meetings or synchronies, scheduled by minimum subject at 80%.
  • In case of prolonged absence, the student must present a justified argumentation.
  • All students in doctoral programs must have basic knowledge of computer science.
  • Participate in curricular, extracurricular and professional development activities organized by the doctoral program.
  • Develop your doctoral research in correspondence with a problem in the area of your training.
  • Present to the research committee the progress of their doctoral thesis (candidacy exam), as established in the academic program.

To obtain the PhD in Education Sciences with an emphasis in Educational Administration, the following is required:

  • Take and pass the academic content of the respective semesters.
  • Take and pass all the subjects of the study plan with a minimum grade of 85 points equivalent to a B.
  • Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three (3.00).
  • Participate in a national or international congress, as an exhibitor or speaker in the area of knowledge of the doctorate, socializing advances or results of your doctoral thesis.
  • Take a proficiency test in English or another international language recognized by UNESCO, in accordance with internal regulations.
  • Submit, support and approve the doctoral thesis.
  • Publish two scientific articles in indexed journals, book chapter or books, related to the doctoral thesis.
  • Be at peace and safe with the institution (financial, academic, documents and library).

The graduate of the Doctorate in Education with an emphasis in Educational Administration will have extensive knowledge, skills and values for the exercise of educational administration in its different areas: curriculum, finance, economics, formulation and management of institutional educational projects and human resources administration, among others. . The graduate will also be able to formulate and evaluate educational policies or other projects that contribute to the improvement of educational quality from three perspectives: the institution, the student, and the curriculum. In addition to the above, they will demonstrate the capacity for logical, critical and reflective argumentation in the face of the autonomous production of scientific and technological knowledge that supports the educational fact, along with current advances in said disciplinary field.

  • Has mastery over the procedures, criteria and standards of research methodology in the educational area
  • Learn about educational models, new trends in planning and management of educational organizations.
  • Know the necessary elements for the formulation, management and monitoring of educational research projects.
  • Know and analyze the trends of contemporary educational systems and the curricular foundations
  • It includes the main currents of pedagogy and educational philosophy as the foundation of teaching praxis.
  • Has mastery over educational strategies and their articulation with social diversity and interculturality in education.
  • It includes the theoretical and methodological elements linked to the challenges of contemporary didactics.
  • Analyzes emerging trends in the field of management of educational institutions
  • Learn about the processes of macro planning and quality management in the educational field
  • Analyzes new trends in the field of student performance assessment in educational processes.
  • Master the management strategies of the transformation and adaptation processes of educational institutions to the demands of today's society
  • Understands the trends and mechanisms of the national and international evaluation systems of higher education institutions
  • Recognizes the importance of accreditation systems in consolidating the quality and relevance of higher education
  • Analyzes strategies for continuous improvement of educational processes within the framework of integrated quality management systems in education
  • It bases and carries out relevant research in the area of educational sciences, specifically in the field of management of public or private educational organizations. The investigations will be characterized by their orientation to the solution of real problems present in the environment.
  • It deepens and interprets the phenomena faced by educational organizations, to support decision-making in the current environment of globalization.
  • Consolidates the capacities of the participants in the financial and budgetary management of educational institutions
  • Evaluates the processes of planning, selection and training of human resources required by the educational environment.
  • Develops capacities in the participants for the use of technological tools and programs in the analysis of data during the research process.
  • Conceptualizes and abstracts social phenomena to pose problems based on the research lines of the doctoral program.
  • Apply doctoral preparation towards the study and analysis of the structural problems of society in order to provide a proactive approach.
  • It promotes the transfer of educational technology, as well as the introduction of innovative ideas in the educational process.
  • He communicates the results of his research both in the popular media and in rigorous scientific media (referred journals, books, scientific events).
  • He leads change processes within educational organizations, based on solid foundations resulting from research.
  • Share your experience, knowledge and skills with others through teaching.
  • Evidence of the development of a scientific spirit. He is willing to help in the search for serious solutions through scientific methods to each of the problems that are intended to be solved.
  • Has professional and personal ethics. As a researcher, he/she honors service to others and for his/her own benefit, always with the dignity that corresponds to the human person.
  • Evidence through his/her personal and professional behavior of the value that he/she gives to the actions of each one of the human beings, both individually and collectively.
  • Show respect towards others. It is open to people of all conditions, without discrimination of religion, race, ideology, nationality, gender or economic condition. We propose a proactive debate and open and critical discussion of ideas, allowing everyone to freely form their own opinions and convictions, in a climate of harmony, plurality and participation.
  • Promotes consistency between what you think, say and do.
  • Recognizes that one of the main problems of the country and the world is the lack of equity and justice, so he/she is aware of the absolute respect for the Law and its application.
  • Understand that your work should always be oriented towards community service and personal development; which makes it a protagonist and key player in the engine of progress, a primary factor in the dignity of human coexistence. It focuses on excellence and innovation, understood as the permanent exercise of a proactive attitude that seeks to achieve goals and ideals to obtain good results and continuous improvement in the standard of living of our community.
  • Values the development of critical thinking and the ability to reflect on the needs of educational organizations.
  • Assumes a critical and innovative attitude oriented to problem solving.
  • Performs leadership skills in negotiating and conflict resolution in the educational field, according to the respect of the parties involved for effective decision making.
  • Demonstrates commitment through the management of projects that contribute to increasing the well-being of the individuals involved in their daily work.
  • Demonstrates being receptive and conciliatory to achieve the objectives of the projects to be developed.
  • Understand the importance of sustainability and proactively contribute to the search for solutions from global critical thinking.
  • He is aware of his role and challenges facing the possibility of generating academic and scientific products, with high social and environmental impact.
  • It consciously assumes the contributions that research can make to the environment, so necessary in the search for the quality of life of the human being, this being the end that is pursued from science.
  • Use research to find real data that allow solutions to problems, taking advantage of research, especially those that serve to develop their capacities. These spaces can be developed autonomously from their own and independent initiatives.
  • Take advantage of opportunities for challenges that may arise, not only from your own projects but from academic peers with whom you can do collaborative work.
  • You have the ability to resist adversity, in addition to assuming an attitude that strengthens him in the face of future problems.
  • Have a holistic vision, which allows you to take into consideration all the factors that surround you.
  • It has the ability to adapt to changes to ensure survival, being flexible to adapt to the dynamism of the environment.
    Knows how to apply critical thinking and understands that things are not done just because or to follow a tradition, but that you have to analyze the reasons and find the best way to solve problems.
  • Act ethically, not simply achieve an end, projects must be built in a solid way, transmitting trust to all those involved.
  • You have negotiation skills, taking into account that a good entrepreneur must know how to deal with negotiations to reach agreements.
  • Develop your leadership capacity as one of the most important characteristics, which will serve you both to organize the work and to direct the work team.
  • It encourages teamwork, taking into account that the ability to be a leader is useless if you cannot organize the work of the staff and it must be done in a way that everyone feels useful.
  • Manage time, work space, action priorities and the team.


PhD in Educational Sciences with Emphasis in Educational Administration

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