
Umecit – University in Panama

Diploma in
Maritime Port Industrial Security


120 hours




$350 USD


Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

At UMECIT, you can strengthen your

Professional Knowledge
Diploma in Maritime Port Security

Description of the diploma

Train competent professionals who work in the field of maritime port activity, capable of intervening in work actions to improve the health conditions and quality of life of people and increase productivity in companies.

  • Know the general concepts, the national legal framework and the international conventions that regulate occupational health and safety in maritime port activity.
  • Implement preventive and/or corrective actions through the identification, evaluation and analysis of occupational risks.
  • Know and apply control mechanisms to reduce the risks of accidents and occupational diseases.
  • Lead and promote a culture of prevention of risks and occupational diseases in the workplace applied to maritime port activity.
  • Professionals in all disciplines related to the activities of the maritime cluster.
  • University professionals at the bachelor's or higher technical level, with maritime and/or port careers.
  • Professionals with field and/or work experience in the development of activities in occupational health and safety, in activities in the maritime sector, ports, canals, port facilities, auxiliary maritime industries.
  • Students and professionals from all areas who wish to expand their knowledge, skills and abilities in industrial security in the maritime port sector.
  • Introduction to occupational health
  •  Definitions
  • History (origin)
  • Principles of occupational health
  • General concepts and terminologies
  • Definition and classification of occupational accidents
  • Accidents vs. work incidents
  • Decline of accidents at work
  • Legal framework

Entry Requirements

  • Make the payment to the savings account 04-71-99-242692-1 of Banco General, in the name of UMECIT or in the institution's coffers.
  • Sign up for umecit.edu.pa.
  • Attach proof of payment to the form.

Email: educacioncontinua@umecit.edu.pa
Phones: 6855-3946 / 6859-4692 / 6499-1819

Diploma in Maritime Port Security

Contact us and start now

Headquarters C Panama Masters

Phone: 263-2519
Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.

La Chorrera Headquarters

Phone: 254-1141
Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.

Chitre Headquarters

Phone: 996-4260
In front of the Herrera park.

Santiago Headquarters

Phone: 998-0363
2nd street diagonal to vector control.

David Headquarters

Phone: 788-0018 / 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.

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