Master's Degree in Civil Procedural Law
- Certification of good standing: CTDA-EE-EV-02-62-2021 Date: 01/25/2021
- With intermediate exit from the Specialization in Civil Procedural Law Res.: ECTF-15-2015 Approval Date: 06/22/2015
- Certification of good standing: CTDA-EE-EV-02-61-2021 Date: 01/25/2021
Career Description
The Specialization and Master's Degree in Civil Procedural Law promotes the training of competent professionals in such an important branch of law as civil procedure. The curricular contents are oriented to the development of the expertise and knowledge necessary to apply the norms that regulate the area.
The faculty, with vast experience in current issues and incidents of civil procedural law, will lead the law graduate and lawyers to delve into this very important facet, seeking the efficient achievement of the purposes of the Constitution and the administration of justice.
The postgraduate course aims to respond to the need for human resources of a high academic level; equipped with the knowledge, tools and litigation strategies necessary to perform their role as judicial operators at the highest level. In the same way, it is sought that the graduate has a clear command of the concepts, techniques and research methods in this field of law, in order to broaden the horizon of the world of civil procedure. And at the same time recognizing its interdisciplinary nature and the existence of a procedural system as a global phenomenon.
The postgraduate degree in Civil Procedural Law is a necessary career for both private companies and public institutions. Thus, it opens doors in labor fields such as:
- Litigation Lawyer.
- Consultant.
- Legal adviser.
- Public servant in the judicial branch of the Public Power.
- Photocopy of the Bachelor's degree in the area of Law and Political Science.
- Authorized translation into Spanish of degrees and credits as appropriate.
- Photocopy of Official Credits issued by the respective institution and where the minimum average is 81 (B) or academic index of 1.5.
- Diploma and Bachelor's credits with a minimum index of 1.5.
- Photocopy of identity card.
- Two (2) passport size photos, in color, on white background.
- Certificate of physical health.
- Applicant letter.
- Resume.
- Study in teams and on your own.
Do research in the areas you handle. - Deepen in the knowledge you need or are interested in.
- Respect the Disciplinary Regulations of the University.
- Keeping your payments up to date.
- Attend 75% of the face-to-face meetings.
- Punctual attendance to events and academic sessions (field practices).
- Ethical and respectful conduct in the representations of the institution.
- Verify that during the first year of study they have command (verbal and written) of another language (recognized by UNESCO) that allows them to read up-to-date scientific bibliography.
To obtain the title of Specialist in Civil Procedural Law, the student must:
- Complete and pass the total number of subjects of the curriculum of the specialty.
- Have an academic index of no less than two (2).
- Present the essay on Civil Procedural Law.
- Demonstrate basic computer skills.
- Demonstrate knowledge of English.
To obtain the Master's Degree in Civil Procedural Law, the student must:
- Complete and pass the total of the subjects of the study plan.
- Obtain an academic index of no less than two (2).
- Complete and support the degree thesis.
- Comply with the academic and administrative requirements in a term that does not exceed four years of permanence in the program.
- You will know the dimension of the evolution of the science of Procedural Law, which are based on the best use of strategies that guide a successful academic performance.
- You will analyze what is related to the theoretical-practical study of topics such as the principles of Procedural Law, the means of evidence, ordinary and special processes, among others, in order to apply them in their function during the learning process through comprehensive teaching.
- You will master the contents, techniques and strategies to guide values.
- You will know the methodology to carry out research work.
- You will show and promote the participation of computer technologies in the knowledge of Civil Procedural Law.
- You will specify the specialized knowledge to guarantee a real knowledge of the environment proper to civil procedures.
- You will identify activities that discover skills in the use of critical analysis, with creative solutions to foster research, interdisciplinary work, and interaction with other legal professionals, especially trial lawyers from the national and international civil branch.
- You will identify their active and proactive role in the various tasks and the adequate transmission of knowledge of Civil Procedural Law as a learning guide and aware of the need for permanent training.
- You will have a critical and innovative attitude oriented to problem solving.
- You will be an innovative, resourceful, reliable, flexible, discreet and ethical professional.
- You will have the ability to adapt to change as new knowledge is generated.
- You will be committed to justice and society with respect to your environment.
- You will have social sensitivity towards political, cultural and technological variables.
- You will cooperate and work as a team.
- You will prove to be analytical and reflective before the political, social and economic processes in our country.
- You will prove to be receptive and conciliatory to achieve the objectives of the projects to be developed.
- You will be conducted with creativity, honesty and dedication to work promptly and carefully.
Contact us and start now
Headquarters C Panama Masters
Phone: 263-2519 Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.
La Chorrera Headquarters
Phone: 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters
Phone: 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters
Phone: 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters
Phone: 788-0018 / 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.