Umecit – University in Panama

Master’s Degree in
Occupational Health and Industrial Safety


5 Quarters
1 year and 8 months


Semi face-to-face / Virtual


Health Sciences

At UMECIT, you can strengthen your

Professional Knowledge
Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Industrial Safety

Career Description

The Master's Degree in Occupational Health and Industrial Safety program allows the professional to identify in an organization the risk factors in the workplace and carry out monitoring tasks for the control and prevention of occupational accidents. This knowledge will allow the development of prevention and health care plans for employees in areas of moderate or high risk.

The Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Industrial Safety is aimed at professionals in any area of knowledge who have basic concepts of adaptation of work environments in industrial processes, as well as the ability to make technical reports associated with environmental working conditions.

The graduate will be able to develop research projects. Additionally, they will have a high capacity to work in multidisciplinary teams with an excellent command of labor legislation applied to field work and occupational safety.

Graduates of the Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Industrial Safety can work in areas and activities such as:

  • Analysis of work environments.
  • Development of prevention and health care programs.
  • Formulation of Contingency Plans.
  • Approach to ergonomics and occupational medicine.
  • Advisor in the area of occupational health in companies.
  • Supervisor of labor welfare.
  • Trainer in risk prevention in companies.
The Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Industrial Safety has the following requirements:
  • Hold a professional bachelor's degree or its equivalent, issued by a duly recognized institution.
  • To have a minimum cumulative academic index of 1.5 in the bachelor's degree.

The applicant must also submit:

  • Completion of the Registration Form.
  • Photocopy of identity card (passport for foreigners).
  • Certificate of good physical health.
  • Photocopies of the corresponding diploma (apostilled for foreigners).
  • Certificate of grades corresponding to the professional career (apostilled foreign credits).
  • Two photographs.
  • Application letter
  • Resume.

The permanence in the Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Industrial Safety at the University will depend solely and exclusively on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree.

The term of permanence in the University will be five (5) quarters.

  • The student must maintain a minimum academic index of 2.0 and/or a minimum grade of 81 (B).
  • Study in teams and on your own.
  • Do research in the areas you handle.
  • Deepen in the knowledge you need or are interested in.
  • Respect the Disciplinary Regulations of the University.
  • Keeping your payments up to date.
  • Ethical and respectful conduct in the representations of the institution.
  • Prove during the first year that he/she has the ability to use another language (recognized by UNESCO) that allows him/her to read updated scientific bibliography.

To obtain the title of Specialist in Occupational Health and Industrial Safety, the following is required:

  • Attend and pass the academic contents of the first two (2) quarters.
  • Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than two (2.00) on a scale of three.
  • Maintain a grade point average equal or higher than 2.0 and have no subjects lower than 81.
  • Submit an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years).
  • Be proficient in computer tools.
  • Elaborate, support and approve the degree work (monograph).
  • Payment of all fees (tuition, monthly fees, degree fees, etc.).
  • Attend courses and/or seminars.

To obtain the Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Industrial Safety the following is required:

  • Satisfactorily pass all the subjects of the master's study plan.
  • Maintain a cumulative and individual academic index per subject of 2.0.
  • Submit an exam or certificate of a second language recognized by UNESCO, updated (five years).
  • Submit an exam or certificate on the use of computer tools.
  • Develop, support and approve the thesis.
  • Payment of all fees (tuition, monthly fees, degree fees, etc.).


  • Identify the concepts of work environment, environmental and occupational hazards, industrial processes and process organization.
  • Interpret health as a social problem and understand environmental and occupational health as its scope of development.


  • Make technical reports for decision making associated with environmental working conditions.
  • Apply their knowledge in the structuring of integral programs of health and safety and hygiene at work.

Being / living

  • Develop the ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.
  • Will value the equitable and fair application of labor legislation on occupational hazards, disability and invalidity.
Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Industrial Safety

Contact us and start now

Headquarters C Panama Masters

Phone: (+507) 263-2519
Eusebio A. Morales Street, Bella Vista.

La Chorrera Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 254-1141
Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.

Chitre Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 996-4260
In front of the Herrera park.

Santiago Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 998-0363
2nd street diagonal to vector control.

David Headquarters

Phone: (+507) 788-0018
Phone: (+507) 788-0019
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.

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