Umecit – University in Panama

Groups of

UMECIT Research

UMECIT research groups are made up of teachers, students, administrators, graduates or external personnel who are linked to the development of one or more institutional research projects, within the framework of the annual call for project registration and in correspondence with the lines research.

The Research Center coordinates its operations, as well as the monitoring and control actions of the activities carried out by each group, linked to their areas of specialization.

Its members interact with the generation of scientific knowledge, in articulation with some of the lines of research, which are designed with criteria of transversality and interdisciplinarity and from there, scientific publications are generated, participation in events to disseminate findings or results of the research and other scientific-academic products, as a basis for the transfer of knowledge.

We currently have eight (8) research groups, as detailed:

Investigation groups


It focuses on the development of scientific research in the area of Technology and innovation
Group leader: Mgter. Guillermina Higuera


His research interests are oriented to the area of Social Work and Psychology.
Group leader: Dr. Marcela Arana


Aware of the importance of education for the development of societies, this research group focuses on addressing scientific studies in the area of Educational Sciences
Group leader: Dr. Eduardo Cola


The evolution, problems, particularities and challenges of Law and Political Sciences are part of the topics addressed in the scientific studies of this research group.
Group leader: Michelle Rangel

GICAE Group:

Develops scientific research in the area of managerial, economic and administrative sciences
Group leader: Mgtra. Graciela Simmons


Concern for the environment and sustainability are the reference for the development of the group's scientific research.
Group leader: Mgter. Osvaldo Solis


It focuses on scientific research in the field of Health Sciences, as a contribution to an area of special interest in attention to the quality of life of human beings.
Group leader: Karen Botello


Its objective is the development of scientific research in the field of Criminalistics and Forensic Sciences.
Group leader: Mgter. Alexis Brenes