Electronics Engineering Technician
8 Quarters
2 years and 8 months
Semi face-to-face
Technology, Construction and Environment
CTDA-046-2019 (03/26/2019)
Electrical Engineering Technician
Career Description
The Electronics Engineering Technician forms competencies with theoretical and practical knowledge of electrical systems with application at residential and commercial level. With the ability to supervise the assembly and connection of such systems and their auxiliary equipment within the regulations of their suitability.
The development of skills and abilities by the Electrical Engineering Technician involves knowledge in digital and analog electrical systems, as well as power generation, high voltage installations, installations in residential and commercial areas, logic controllers, motor management, occupational safety aspects and regulatory standards of the electrical profession.
The labor practice area of the graduates of the Electrical Engineering Technician mainly involves companies in the energy sector, communications, technology, industry, commercial, agricultural, governmental and non-profit organizations.
Likewise, the curriculum proposed by UMECIT contemplates the areas of mathematics, linguistics, technology, environment, languages and general knowledge as a complement and skills that the student develops and strengthens during the years of study.
The Electrical Engineering Technician will be able to work in different sectors and companies in the energy area, communications, NGOs, government, individuals, as well as in the following areas:
- Electric power distribution, transmission and generation companies.
- Technologically innovative companies, consulting, as well as installation and technical support.
- Exercise of the free profession as a consultant and/or technical advisor.
- Electricity Sector Service Contractor.
The requirements for admission to the Electrical Engineering Technician program are the following:
- Original and copy (collation) of the high school diploma approved by MEDUCA or its equivalent (in case of being a foreigner the documents must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of their respective country and have the endorsement of the Ministry of Education of Panama).
- Photocopy of identity card. In case the applicant is a minor or a foreigner, two copies of the birth certificate or two copies of the passport, respectively, must be submitted.
- Two passport-size photographs.
- Medical certificate of good health.
- Two photocopies of authenticated credits.
- Fill out the application form to join the program.
- The permanence in the Electrical Engineering Technician program will depend solely and exclusively on the student's motivation, ability and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree. However, it will be necessary to observe the following terms:
- In the same way, the student must keep in mind that his or her general average or cumulative index in his or her career cannot be less than 71, based on a maximum score of 100.
- The term of permanence in the University will be a minimum of eight quarters in the Electrical Engineering Technician.
- To obtain the degree of technician it is required to have completed eight quarters, a total of 104 credits.
To obtain the title of Electrical Engineering Technician is required:
- Fulfill the complete established curriculum.
- Pass all subjects in the study plan with a minimum grade of C or 71 points.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than one (1.0) on a scale of one to three.
- Maintain an average equal to or higher than 71 and have no subjects lower than 71.
- Pass a knowledge test in English.
- Satisfactorily complete the supervised internship. Prepare and submit the corresponding report.
- Be in good standing with the institution.
The Electrical Engineering Technician is oriented to the development of competencies in the field of basic sciences, for the analysis of phenomena, their interpretation and the resolution of problems related to the electrical sector, based on the following knowledge:
- Master the mathematical and physical foundations required for the resolution of problems associated with the electricity sector.
- Know the conceptualizations that argue the elements of electricity, electrical machines and electronics in general.
- Analyze the principles of descriptive geometry and its application to specific situations in the electrical sector.
- Know the fundamentals of the administrative and accounting management process applicable to the practice of the electrical profession.
- Master the conceptualizations that argue the properties of installations: residential, high voltage, commercial and industrial, among others.
- Know the conceptual principles that guide the design and elaboration of electrical plans.
- Perform physical-mathematical calculations for the resolution of problems specific to the electrical field.
- Apply the elements of electricity, electrical machines and electronics in general to contextual problems of the sector.
- Manage the administrative and accounting process in the exercise of the electrical profession.
- Develop residential, high voltage, commercial and industrial installations, among others.
- Demonstrate skills for the realization, supervision and maintenance to electrical and residential, commercial and industrial installations, as well as the repair of electrical systems.
- Demonstrate a person with National Identity, servant spirit and participative leadership before the performance of assigned activities and/or functions.
- Assume ethical commitment, initiative and curiosity in the search for solutions for the electrical sector.
- Recognize all members of the company when making decisions to achieve the stipulated objectives.
- Reflect a spirit of collaboration, care and dedication in their professional work.
- Contribute with enthusiasm to the production of new techniques and devices, oriented to the improvement of the quality of life and society.
Electrical Engineering Technician
Contact us and start now
Panama Headquarters Building B Veneto
Phone: (+507) 264-8154 Phone: (+507) 395-7383 Via Veneto, LA street, Building 49B, Bella Vista.
Santiago Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
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