Umecit – University in Panama

Faculty of Technology, Construction and Environment


The Faculty of Technology, Construction, and Environment currently has 4 degree programs. First, at the bachelor's degree level, there are Environmental Management Administration, Graphic Design, Audiovisual Production, and Programming Systems. Secondly, at the technical area level, there are 3 degrees: Electrical, Electronics and Building, which meet the suitability requirements of their respective guilds and groups such as the Technical Board of Engineering and Architecture of Panama.

The Bachelor's degrees lead our students to achieve the best standards in the learning and knowledge of each discipline because they have a teaching staff with proven experience in the application areas; which translates into prepared and experienced teachers.

The students of the careers attached to the Faculty of Technology, Construction and Environment are among the job areas with the highest demand in the country, since they are the areas with the highest growth and therefore the highest labor demand, such as: technology, energy sectors , construction, media and environmental management, thus constituting a significant advantage to reach jobs once they obtain the degree, or even during the study process.

The ease of study in terms of the schedule and modality of study of the different careers offered by the Faculty of Technology, Construction and Environment promote the entry of new students and professionals from other areas who wish to obtain a university degree by accessing training plans. competitive study, with accessible study modalities and at the hands of excellent teachers.

The learning spaces of the different careers offered at the Faculty include everything from electrical laboratories to technology, design and audiovisual production.

In the same way, it has the implementation of tools to exercise virtual learning based on mobile laboratories and simulators as part of the strategy of the UMECIT University and its modality of study.

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