Bachelor's Degree in Medical Records and Health Statistics
With intermediate exit of the Technician in Registration
Medical and Health Statistics
Res.: CTDA-80-2023 – PRESENTIAL
Date: 03/25/2023
Date: 03/25/2023
Date: 03/25/2023 -
Res.: CTDA-77-2023- PRESENTIAL
Date: 03/25/2023
Date: 03/25/2023
Date: 03/25/2023
Career Description
The Bachelor's Degree in Medical Records and Health Statistics trains professionals capable of applying computational and statistical tools for the analysis of information in the field of health. Specifically in the processes of collection, elaboration, interpretation and delivery of statistics in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of services in all health facilities in the country, whether public or private.
Likewise, the Bachelor's Degree in Medical Records and Health Statistics enables the administration of health services, codification of disease statistics and mastery of research methodologies.
The Bachelor's degree program in Medical Records and Health Statistics presented by the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology is focused on improving the quality and effectiveness of the services of Health Statistics Records in all health facilities in the country, whether private or public, through the formation of human resources trained to exercise these skills, having a comprehensive theoretical and practical training, which will allow them to act with excellence in their professional life.
The Bachelor's Degree in Medical Records and Health Statistics trains professionals trained to work in different public and private health facilities.
Therefore, at levels of care such as Hospitals, Polyclinics, Health Police Centers, Health Centers, among other health service facilities. These professionals are responsible for preparing statistics through information systems, disease coding, data capture, paperwork management, and appointment creation. In the same way, they are capable of handling data in research processes in the health area, department managers and their different sections.
All applicants must submit the following documentation duly scanned from the original and sent to the promoter to be uploaded to the respective platform:
- High school diploma or its equivalent
- High school credits or grades or their equivalent
- Identity document, identity card or passport in case of foreigners and residing in Panama during their studies (In case the student is a minor, the juvenile identity card and the identity document of his/her guardian).
- A current passport-size photo
- Fill out the admission form in electronic format with the promoter.
If you are a foreigner, documents such as the High School Diploma or its equivalent and the high school credits or grades or its equivalent must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country. In the event that the country does not have a consulate, it must carry out a procedure before the official authorities that validate it).
Note: Students enrolled in virtual modality whose nationality is different from Panamanian, must present a copy of their personal identity document from the country of origin (ID or the one that takes its place).
In case of not having originals of the previous documents, they must provide a certificate or its equivalent, issued by the national or foreign college legally recognized by the competent authority. In the case of being a foreign student, these documents must be provided with an apostille seal or legalization through diplomatic channels and their translation into Spanish, by an authorized public translator.
Given the profile of the curricular educational model "CYBERHUMANIST" of the university, the student must:
- The permanence in the University will depend solely and exclusively on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree.
- In order to pass each subject, the participant must obtain a minimum grade of 71 on a scale of 1 to 100, which is equivalent to item C.
- Respect and comply with the regulations established by the statutes that regulate the relationship between the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology and the students of the Institution, taking into account the principles and values of the human being.
- Keep payments up to date.
- Attend at least 80% of scheduled meetings in face-to-face and semi face-to-face mode. In case of prolonged absence, you must duly present the argumentation that justifies it.
- For studies under the virtual modality, attendance is regulated by constant interaction in all activities planned on the platform, including synchronous and asynchronous meetings, as well as the development of the student's autonomous work.
- The student is responsible for the construction of their knowledge, willingness to work and collaborative learning, study in a team on their own, investigate, be self-taught and contribute to self-knowledge and self-motivation.
- For those students who lose academic continuity (i.e. defer or withdraw) and wish to continue their studies or did not fulfill their degree requirement, they must apply for reinstatement to the current program approved by CTDA and must comply with the validation and homologation regulations.
- The term of permanence at the University will be in accordance with the number of quarters that make up the academic program.
- The student in cases of force majeure or fortuitous event must submit to the contingency plans or document that takes its place.
To obtain the title of Technician is required:
- Approve all the subjects of the study plan with a minimum grade of C or 71 points (up to the seventh quarter).
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than one (1.0) on a scale of one to three.
- Maintain an average equal to or higher than 71 and have no subjects lower than 71.
- Participate in the update seminar.
- Be at peace and safe with the institution.
- Pass a knowledge test in English.
- Complete a professional internship of 160 hours.
- Prepare, support and approve the practice report.
To obtain a bachelor's degree, the following is required:
- Pass all the subjects contemplated in the study plan.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than one (1.0) on a scale of one to three.
- Maintain an average higher than 71 and have no subjects lower than 71.
- Satisfactorily complete the 208-hour supervised professional practice.
- Prepare, support and approve the professional practice report.
- Pass a knowledge test in English.
- Complete and pass one of the following degree requirements:
- Prepare, support and approve projects (theses) in their area of knowledge.
- Enroll and take the first four-month period of a specialty related to their degree.
- Submit and pass a general knowledge test.
- Be at peace and safe with the institution, financial and library.
Understanding that the Career of Technician in Medical Records and Health Statistics and Bachelor's Degree in Medical Records and Health Statistics of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology (UMECIT), is oriented towards an innovative proposal focused on the training of talent to join the world of work in the health sector, among other spaces that demand professional experts for the intervention of the reality related to the registration, ordering, analysis and interpretation and systematization of hospital statistical data, the following profile of the graduate is proposed once Comply with the training paths stipulated in the study plan. Thus, the following profiles are obtained:
- It recognizes the reality of the health sector at a national and international level, as a basis for intervention and change in public behavior from health promotion.
- Analyzes the statistical tools and methods that lead to an epidemiological understanding of the distribution, frequency, and determinants of existing diseases in the population.
- Know the fundamentals of logistics management applied to health services.
- Detects priority needs in public health at the national level as a source for the generation of research and innovation proposals.
- Distinguishes the components and dynamics of a hospital information system, oriented to the statistical analysis of data for decision making.
- It characterizes the databases and technological tools that stimulate the behavior of patients and diseases from a biostatistical perspective.
- Identifies the structure of a statistical report based on indicators and variables that make it possible to monitor patients, diseases, and institutions.
- Understands the applicability of management tools based on digital technologies, facing the planning, administration, auditing and monitoring of systems and procedures of medical records and health statistics.
- Argues from a strategic perspective the quality in the provision of services and patient care.
- It transforms the public behaviors of patients and users from the intervention based on health promotion strategies.
- Applies statistical tools for epidemiological understanding that explains the distribution, frequency, and determining factors of existing diseases in human populations.
- Design solutions to needs and challenges presented in the health logistics area.
- It formulates research and innovation projects aligned with the priority needs in public health at the national level.
Runs hospital information systems, for the purpose of statistically analyzing data for decision making. - Manages databases and technological tools that stimulate the behavior of patients and diseases from a biostatistical perspective.
- Prepares statistical reports based on indicators and variables that make it possible to monitor patients, diseases, institutions, among other dimensions associated with health services.
- Applies management tools based on the use of digital technologies to plan, manage, audit and monitor systems and procedures related to the management of medical records and health statistics, both in the public and private sectors.
- Design strategies that promote quality in the provision of services and patient care.
Live together
- Manage relationships with patients and users efficiently and proactively.
- Listen to people about their situation.
- Rationally argue situations, exposing the foundations of an approach.
- Critically analyzes the facts and problems of the workplace and its context.
- Answer questions and situations in daily and professional life.
- Shows a marked sense of solidarity and equity in their behavior patterns and relationship with others, within their family, social or work context.
- Shows understanding, sympathy, courtesy and interest for others and for other people.
- It reflects the principles of social solidarity and the search for solutions to local, national and international health problems.
- It manifests personal and social maturity by developing and strengthening the modern citizenship demanded by the new century in the family, community and work spheres.
- Demonstrates creative, ethical, humanistic and social performance skills.
- Shows motivation before negotiating agreements.
He reflects on his professional practice to learn for himself. - It reaffirms your identity as a person, in your family nucleus, in the community and in the country for your well-being and to fulfill the obligations of life in study and/or work.
- Has leadership and initiative to face change.
Shows cognitive flexibility in decision-making processes. - Assumes ethical behavior in compliance with regulations and laws that regulate their professional performance.
- Recognizes the negotiation process in the formulation of entrepreneurship plans in the health area.
- Map market needs to devise intervention strategies based on trends in the health sector in the digital age.
- Applies methodologies for decision making and problem solving based on the generation of viable business alternatives in medical records and health statistics.
- Formulates plans aimed at generating services and products that contribute to improving the quality of service provided by health institutions in the digital age.
- Practice networking as a tool to enhance innovation and entrepreneurship skills around business ideas in the health area, specifically around medical records and health statistics.
- Prepare work and business entrepreneurship plans according to their individual needs and the context in which they find themselves.
Contact us and start now
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Phone: (+507) 264-9908 Founders Main Building: Transisthmian, Via Simón Bolívar
La Chorrera Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
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Phone: (+507) 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
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Phone: (+507) 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
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Phone: (+507) 788-0018 Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.