Bachelor's Degree in Radiology and Medical Imaging
Res.: CTDA-294-2022 – PRESENTIAL - Date: 29/08/2022
Career Description
The Radiology and Medical Imaging degree prepares students to perform in a specialized and crucial field of work within the field of health. Professionals in this discipline play a fundamental role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases through the use of medical imaging techniques.
Radiology and Medical Imaging focuses on the acquisition and analysis of medical images, such as x-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and other diagnostic imaging studies. These radiology professionals work closely with medical radiologists and other healthcare professionals to obtain high-quality, accurate images to aid in the detection and monitoring of disease.
The bachelor's degree in radiology is an academic program that prepares students for work in the field of radiology and medical technology. This work area is within the health sector and is focused on the use of imaging techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions.
Radiology Degree Description:
- Fundamentals of Radiology: Students learn the basic principles of radiology, including radiation physics, radiation safety, and imaging techniques.
- Anatomy and Physiology: Human anatomy and physiology is studied in depth to understand how the different structures of the body present themselves on radiological images.
- Imaging Techniques: Students learn to use and operate imaging equipment such as x-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and other diagnostic imaging procedures.
- Pathologies and diagnosis: Various diseases and medical conditions are studied to understand how they present themselves in radiological images and how their diagnosis is made.
- Therapeutic Radiology: The study of radiotherapy techniques used to treat certain types of cancer may also be included.
- Ethics and safety: The importance of professional ethics and the safety of the patient and staff in radiation management is emphasized.
For graduates in Radiology and Medical Imaging it is wide and diverse.
- Hospitals and Clinics: Radiology professionals may work in hospitals and clinics, where they perform diagnostic imaging studies and assist physicians in interpreting the results for an accurate diagnosis.
- Medical imaging centers: There are specialized medical imaging centers that provide diagnostic and follow-up services. Graduates in Radiology and Medical Imaging can work in these centers conducting studies and ensuring the quality of the images obtained.
- Doctor's offices: Some doctors' offices have radiology equipment to perform basic studies, such as x-rays. Radiology and Medical Imaging professionals can collaborate in these settings, obtaining and evaluating images to support physician diagnoses.
- Research: There is the possibility of working in medical research institutions, participating in projects for the development and evaluation of new medical imaging techniques and technologies.
- Teaching: Some Radiology and Medical Imaging professionals choose to dedicate themselves to teaching, sharing their knowledge and experience with future professionals in radiology.
All applicants must submit the following documentation duly scanned from the original and sent to the promoter to be uploaded to the respective platform:
- Present the respective admission exam
- Bachelor of Science degree or its equivalent
- Bachelor of Science credits or grades or their equivalent
- A current passport-size photo
- Fill out the admission form in electronic format with the promoter.
- Identity document, identity card or passport in the case of foreigners and reside in Panama during their studies. (In case the student is a minor, the youth ID and the identity document of his guardian).
- At the beginning of the first semester (English I) they must take the placement test on the English platform provided by the university.
If you are a foreigner, the documents such as the High School Diploma or its equivalent, the credits or high school grades or its equivalent must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country. In the event that the country does not have a consulate, it must carry out a procedure before the official authorities that validate it).
Reading comprehension skills.
Have good physical and mental health
Critical thinking capacity, for the analysis and solution of problems, that adjust to the needs and demands of the discipline.
Ease for interpersonal relationships.
Emotional domain in front of the approach of real life situations.
Basic knowledge of computers as a technological tool that will allow the incorporation of exchange activities outside the classroom.
Provision for personal knowledge and human development.
Sensitivity to the psychosocial needs of others.
Given the profile of the curricular educational model "CYBERHUMANIST" of the university, the student must:
- The permanence in the University will depend solely and exclusively on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than one (1.0) on a scale of one to three (1 to 3).
- In order to pass each subject, the participant must obtain a minimum grade of 71 on a scale of 1 to 100, which is equivalent to item C.
- Respect and comply with the regulations established by the statutes that regulate the relationship between the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology and the students of the Institution, taking into account the principles and values of the human being.
- Keep payments up to date.
- Attend at least 80% of the meetings scheduled in face-to-face mode. In case of prolonged absence, you must duly present the argumentation that justifies it.
- The student is responsible for the construction of their knowledge, willingness to work and collaborative learning, study in a team on their own, investigate, be self-taught and contribute to self-knowledge and self-motivation.
- For those students who lose academic continuity (i.e. defer or withdraw) and wish to continue their studies or did not fulfill their degree requirement, they must apply for reinstatement to the current program approved by CTDA and must comply with the validation and homologation regulations.
- The term of permanence at the University will be in accordance with the number of quarters that make up the academic program.
- The student in cases of force majeure or fortuitous event must submit to the contingency plans or document that takes its place.
- Validations are carried out in accordance with the regulations and internal procedure.
To obtain the degree of Bachelor of Radiology and Medical Imaging, the following is required:
- Pass all the subjects included in the study plan
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than one (1.0) on a scale of one to three.
- Present and pass an English exam with a minimum of 71 points on a scale of 100.
- Complete and approve one of the following degree options:
- Research work (thesis) You must start the process through the research committee, which is the unit in charge of monitoring students who take this degree option, establish the research record in the General Directorate of Public Health, and submit your research protocol to the Committee of Research Bioethics.
- Postgraduate subjects in the area of Health Sciences, these subjects correspond to the first quarter of one of the master's degrees in the health area, offered by the university and they can be validated for students who wish to continue the program at the master's level.
- knowledge test, the procedures are carried out through the Career coordinator so that the application can proceed and will include the approval of a written and oral exam, which will consist of a general exploration of the student's knowledge, their ability to apply them and their criteria professional.
- Be at peace and safe with the institution for all concepts (financial, academic and library).
Note: If necessary, the Academic Council of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology, will make adjustments to the degree requirements in response to the regulations and requirements requested by the Technical Health Council, in terms of suitability for the degree in Radiology and Imaging medical.
The graduate in Radiology and Medical Imaging will be a professional in the area of health sciences based on values, a business mentality, knowledge for the management of the English language, which are developed through the language's own subjects in order to base the empowerment of the second language, through disciplinary management and with a high sense of commitment in the development of research for health, with social responsibility, extensive knowledge of the various imaging and administrative areas in health related to each other, which allow the application of modern radiology techniques and technologies and diagnostic images techniques, positions, procedures and radiological exposure factors of: simple and contrast radiological studies, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, positron emission tomography, SPECT and scintigraphy, providing humanized and quality care that contributes to the comprehensive management of the patient within the health systems
- Know the most relevant aspects of the physics of: X-rays, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance, computed tomography and radiotherapy.
- Know the management to support the radiological method, in carrying out diagnostic imaging studies, with a high quality in them.
- Know the anatomical, morphological and physiological characteristics of the organs and systems of the human body.
- Know the techniques, positions, procedures and radiological exposure factors of: simple and contrast radiological studies, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography, SPECT and scintigraphy.
- Know the pharmacokinetics of contrast media.
- Know resuscitation techniques, first aid and related procedures in obtaining images.
- Identify the physical principles, techniques and isodose protocols in the therapeutic radio of the different nosological entities of medical oncology.
- Basic knowledge in managing radiology and imaging departments.
- Understand research methods and statistics.
- Learn about the use of information and communication technologies used in new imaging equipment.
- Distinguish the main signs by imaging that allow you to identify pathological processes.
- Understand the legislation on ionizing radiation, its application, handling, pollution control and waste recycling of the material used.
- Understand about the radiological protection measures, in the patient and the general biosafety measures against the infectious-contagious patient.
- Understand the English language as a fundamental part for the development of professional practice.
- Interpret scientific-technical information to supervise, apply and control processes and operations in the field of radiology and imaging.
- Organize and schedule the work of the hospital unit or department in relation to customer service, resources and materials.
- Manage imaging studies, by performing tests, ensuring optimal quality.
- Prepare and administer contrast media indicated by the radiologist or radiotherapist, complying with the established protocols.
- Develop research for health with social responsibility based on PAHO protocols with multidisciplinary teams.
- Carry out the techniques, positions, procedures and radiological exposure factors of: simple and contrast radiological studies, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography, SPECT and scintigraphy.
- Apply the English language for your professional development.
- Promote multicultural coexistence and be able to be open to change, understanding and tolerance towards diversity.
- Address conflicts in a non-violent manner, through dialogue and negotiation, exercising the values of pluralism, democracy, equity, solidarity and tolerance.
- Execute teamwork as part of a multidisciplinary health care group.
- Make decisions, solve problems, give critical and creative answers according to the context.
- Develop the ethical values of the profession that allow it to act adequately within the labor and social field in a cooperative and collaborative manner.
- Build your scale of values in a rational and autonomous way with an ethic inscribed in universally agreed values.
- Develop the ethical values of the profession that allow it to act adequately within the labor and social field in a cooperative and collaborative manner.
- Exercise the values of pluralism, democracy, equity, solidarity, tolerance and peace, in the search for solutions through dialogue and negotiation in the conflicts that must be addressed.
- Carry out their work with professionalism, ethics and social responsibility, applying their knowledge with honesty, respect and service to the community.
- Develop open and flexible thinking, which allows the integration of new knowledge, for lifelong learning.
- Exercise leadership in prevention and health maintenance programs.
- Develop an entrepreneurial attitude, which allows you to identify areas of opportunity for your personal and environmental development.
- Promote critical thinking, creativity, innovation, and the ability to adapt to change in the face of the challenges of entrepreneurship in the area of health sciences.
- Link the technical training of the discipline with the qualities and knowledge of entrepreneurship.
Bachelor of Radiology and Medical Imaging
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