Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
We train future health professionals who provide effective and safe solutions. Meet our Bachelor of Physiotherapy.

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Career Description
The Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy is based on a four-year curricular option that includes the body kinetics of human beings as the axis of their actions. Hence, the interrelated areas highlight important aspects in the cultural and social environment, resulting in a suitable professional in this field.
The Physiotherapy professional will be critical, reflective, and creative from the assimilation of the necessary fundamentals for the understanding and apprehension of skills and abilities aimed at educating, promoting, evaluating, diagnosing, intervening, enabling, and rehabilitating the kinetic condition of the individual.
For all the above, the curriculum of the Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy proposed by the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology is based on a comprehensive, contextualized plan, through which physiotherapy is seen as a profession that is exercised from an integral approach to health. Its object of study is centered on a bio-psychosocial conception, orienting its actions to maintain, recover, optimize, and potentiate human body movement, intervening on the basis of psychosocial diagnoses of impairment, physical limitation, and disability.
Within the fields of action, the physiotherapist can work in four areas of great importance:
- Assistive: In this area the relationship in health care services between the physiotherapist and the patient is established. Its intervention in this area is framed within the team of health professionals and the rehabilitation process to contribute to the overall welfare of the individual. In the assistance aspect are the areas of therapeutic care in Orthopedics and Traumatology of adults and children, Neurology, Pediatrics, Dermatofunctional, Oncology, Cardiovascular, Physical Conditioning, Sports, Geriatrics, Gynecology and Psychiatry.
- Researcher: Within the research processes, he/she intervenes in the creation of protocols and care guidelines. Additionally, he/she will be able to demonstrate the effects of therapeutic modalities in order to explain the action of physical therapy in the human being, thus contributing to the formation and elaboration of theories and theoretical frameworks, all framed within the general scientific methods.
- Management: The physiotherapist intervenes in the administrative management of health care services at any level of complexity.
- Teaching Through research, practice of the profession, or in the development of management, the graduate will acquire sufficient skills for the achievement of the transfer of disciplinary knowledge related to the area.
All applicants must present the following documentation duly scanned from its original, and sent to the promoter to be hosted on the respective platform:
- Bachelor of Science Diploma
- Bachelor of Science Credits or Grades
If you are a foreigner, the above mentioned documents must be apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your respective country. In the event that the country does not have a consulate, you will have to go through the official authorities to validate it).
- Identity document, identity card or passport in case of foreigners and residing in Panama during their studies (In case the student is a minor, the juvenile identity card and the identity document of his/her guardian).
- A current passport-size photo
- Fill out the admission form in electronic format with the promoter.
Note: In case of not having originals of the previous documents, they must provide a certificate or its equivalent, issued by the national or foreign school legally recognized by the competent authority, stating: a) Name of the institution; b) Name and identification document number of the graduate; c) Name of the baccalaureate or its equivalent d) Degree awarded; e) Date of issuance of the degree; f) High school credits or grades or their equivalent. If you are a foreigner, these documents must be provided with an apostille seal or legalization through diplomatic channels and their translation into Spanish.
Given the profile of the curricular educational model "CYBERHUMANIST" of the university, the student must:
- The permanence in the University will depend solely and exclusively on the student's motivation, capacity and vision to obtain the chosen academic degree.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than one (1.0) on a scale of one to three (1 to 3).
- To pass each subject, the participant must obtain a minimum grade of 71, which is equivalent to literal C, on a scale of 1 to 100.
- Respect and comply with the regulations established by the statutes that regulate the relationship between the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology and the students of the Institution, taking into account the principles and values of the human being.
- Keep payments up to date.
- Attend at least 80% of the scheduled meetings in face-to-face and semi face-to-face mode. In case of prolonged absence, the student must present the justification for the absence. For studies under the virtual modality, attendance is regulated through constant interaction in all activities planned on the platform, including synchronous and asynchronous meetings, as well as the development of the student's autonomous work.
- The student is responsible for the construction of their knowledge, willingness to work and collaborative learning, study in a team on their own, investigate, be self-taught and contribute to self-knowledge and self-motivation.
- For those students who lose academic continuity (that is, they postpone or withdraw) and wish to continue their studies or did not meet their degree requirement, they must request reinstatement to the current program approved by CTDA, and must adhere to the validation and homologation regulations.
- The term of permanence at the University will be in accordance with the number of quarters that make up the academic program.
- The student in cases of force majeure or fortuitous event must submit to the contingency plans or document that takes its place.
To obtain the Bachelor's degree, the following is required:
- Take and pass all the subjects of the study plan with a minimum grade of 71 points equivalent to a C.
- Maintain a cumulative academic index of not less than one (1.0) on a scale of one to three (1 to 3).
- Complete and approve the professional internship, corresponding to 640 hours.
- Support and approve the professional practice report
- Submit and pass the English test.
- Study and pass one of the following requirements as a degree option:
- A knowledge test.
- Elaborate, support and approve a project (degree work) in their area of knowledge.
- Postgraduate subjects.
- Be in good standing with the institution (financial, academic, and library).
A professional with a degree in Physiotherapy with a university education, humanist, autonomous in professional practice, capable of solving the relevant health problems of the country and the region, relying on the scientific method and research.
The Graduate in Physiotherapy who can carry out assistance services to evaluate, prevent, preserve, treat, and recover the physical capacity of people in this area of health.
Its action is not only in preventive and promotional matters, but also in the therapeutic area through the application of agents and techniques in pathological processes. According to the requirement of an authorized professional.
Trained to intervene in the organization, management and administration of Physical Rehabilitation services, work in the field of teaching through the planning, execution and evaluation of educational proposals at different levels of the educational system, participating in research projects at private and public levels, in policy planning, and in advisory, consultancy, legal expert and audit positions in governmental and non-governmental entities.
Trained in the promotion, prevention, physical diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases, mainly disabling, covering the three levels of care, with emphasis on primary care, in a community and ecological framework within the health-disease process, through the use of physical agents, physical procedures and manual techniques, in a multidisciplinary interrelationship system, under full ethical concepts and in accordance with current health policies in the country.
- Know the components of the structure and function of the human body with emphasis on the base and modulator systems as essential elements for motor control.
- Know the principles of biophysics, biomechanics and kinesiology, applicable to the solution of disabilities, dysfunctions and limitations of movement.
- Know the psychosocial factors as determinants of health, both of the individual and of the family and the community, and their relationship with disability.
- To know the theoretical and philosophical foundations of physiotherapy, the physiotherapeutic model of care, assessments and functional tests specific to physiotherapy.
- Know the physiotherapeutic procedures based on specific techniques and methods of physiotherapeutic action, to apply them in the different alterations of the movement system.
- Analyze scientific research and evaluation methodologies that allow the integration of theoretical perspectives and research experiences in the design and implementation of evidence-based physiotherapy.
- Interpret the administration and management processes in health, especially in physiotherapy services.
- Know fundamental concepts of health, health systems, care levels and epidemiology, and their application to solving problems related to physiotherapy.
- Manage the various contexts in which physiotherapy is inserted in the health-disease process.
- Know about the ethical, legal and professional norms that make up the practice of physiotherapy, the deontological codes of the profession and legal norms of a professional field.
- Learning a second language.
- Identify the new information and communication techniques, which will allow students to be in communication with each other and with their teachers to solve any problem in the field, not only physiotherapy.
- Know biosafety measures promoting respect for integrity, preservation of health and that of their patients, as well as the protection of the environment in which they develop.
- Combine knowledge with physiotherapeutic techniques and procedures in the prevention, promotion and care of health at any level of care.
- Analyze biopsychosocial aspects consequent to pathological entities of movement, derived from accidents or diseases and interpret them from a holistic approach.
- Evaluate the movement and muscular and joint functioning of the human body, to establish the differential diagnosis in physiotherapy.
- Design, apply and evaluate physiotherapeutic treatment plans appropriate to the needs of the patient, prioritizing physical disability problems.
- Make decisions and solve problems in their professional field, with the aim of responding to the needs of the individual and the community in the local, regional, national, and international context.
- Exercise their leadership to develop and propose alternative models of health care and linkage with the social and productive sectors in the area of physiotherapy, which promote the development and prestige of their profession.
- Systematically organize your experience to innovate in physiotherapy care.
- Integrate management and administration systems in physiotherapy in the field of public and private health, at its different levels of care, carrying out their professional activities with a high level of quality.
- Use the tools for technological innovation, as well as for scientific research.
- Incorporate research skills and turn them into a learning instrument and participate in the dissemination of knowledge.
- Develop open and flexible thinking with a capacity for wonder, which allows the integration of new knowledge for lifelong learning.
- Apply biosafety measures promoting respect for integrity, preservation of health and that of their patients, as well as the protection of the environment in which they develop.
- Develop teamwork with the treating physician, trying to intervene with the limitations imposed by his professional field.
- Carry out work with the interdisciplinary rehabilitation team, respecting the professional scope of each one of them.
- Direct the patient to other professionals when necessary, relating and establishing a level of cooperation with the other members of the Health Team.
- Orientation to the patient, family and community on functional practice in basic daily activities.
- Reflect critically on clinical, scientific, philosophical, ethical, political, social, and cultural issues, involved in the professional performance of the physiotherapist, showing aptitude to intervene in the different areas where your professional performance is necessary.
- Respect fundamental rights and equality between men and women, Human Rights, the values of a culture of peace and democracy, environmental principles and development cooperation that promote an ethical commitment in a global, intercultural, free and fair society.
- Build your scale of values in a rational and autonomous way with an ethic inscribed in universally agreed values.
- Develop the ethical values of the profession that allow it to act adequately within the labor and social field in a cooperative and collaborative manner.
- Exercise the values of pluralism, democracy, equity, solidarity, tolerance and peace, in the search for solutions through dialogue and negotiation in the conflicts that must be addressed.
- Being a promoter of multicultural coexistence, capable of being open to change, understanding and tolerance towards diversity.
- Identify areas of opportunity for personal and environmental development.
- Establish a physiotherapist-patient relationship of respect and commitment.
- Exercise leadership in prevention and health maintenance programs.
- Promote critical thinking, creativity, innovation, and the ability to adapt to change in the face of the challenges of entrepreneurship in the area of health sciences.
- Link the technical training of the discipline with the qualities and knowledge of entrepreneurship.
- Acquire sufficient clinical experience to provide intellectual skills and technical and manual skills; that facilitates the incorporation of ethical and professional attitudes and values; and that develops the ability to integrate the knowledge acquired; so that at the end of the studies the students know how to apply them both to specific clinical cases in the hospital and out-of-hospital environment, as well as to actions in primary and community care.
- Generate service alternatives focused on physiotherapy centers, home therapies, among others.
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Panama Building A Founders
(+507) 264-9908
Founders Main Building: Transisthmian, Via Simón Bolívar