Umecit – University in Panama

International Diploma Analysis and Planning of High Performance Sports Training

Creation and Design of Exercises Under the Principles of Tactical Periodization

Level 1

Duration and Dates

20 Hours - August 2, 4, 9 and 11, 2022



Extension Address

Continuing Education

At UMECIT, you can strengthen your

Professional Knowledge
Creation and Design of Exercises Under the Principles of Tactical Periodization Level 1


Sports training as a systematic process under the guidance of the coach has the purpose of reaching or influencing certain levels of performance, which are focused on objectives set within the framework of the sports discipline that is practiced (Gonzalez Rave & Delgado Fernandez, 2016) and are the result of an interaction between the individual's genetic disposition and environmental possibilities (Davids & Baker, 2007).

The contemporary coach must recognize that performance analysis shows a close relationship with training processes, therefore, observational and measurement methods are inevitable to improve knowledge of the sport itself (Gómez-Ruano, 2017). Performance analysis according to Gómez-Ruano (2017) involves study topics such as: critical moments and disturbances; analysis of the coach's behavior; performance indicators in sport; the analysis of the injury incidence and the physical load; displacement type analysis; Reliability of registration methods; technique analysis; tactic analysis; performance profiles; the effectiveness in the use of notational analysis and Analysis of the referees.

For O'donoghue (2009) all research that is oriented to the real analysis of sports performance in competition or in training corresponds to performance analysis. It also indicates that notational analysis evolved to become performance analysis, being a tool that is oriented towards improving the training process in sports with different contexts, where the recording of biological variables such as Heart Rate or VO2 max. they are an adjunct to understanding notational analysis and not the goal itself (O'Donoghue, 2010) (O'Donoghue, 2015).
Therefore, this course aims to train course participants in theories and basic tools of sports performance analysis based on the observational method and the notational process, thus delivering basic tools for the analysis of performance in sport.

General objective:
Train course participants in basic theories and tools of sports performance analysis.

Specific objectives:

  • Analyze the concepts and theories around the process of sports performance and the analysis of contexts.
  • Understand the role of the observational methodology in the notational process as an ecological tool for performance analysis.
  • Use accessible tools for performance analysis in sport.


Joel E. Munoz Urbina

  • Sports Science Professional. 
  • Candidate for Master in Sports Sciences.  
  • Full-time professor at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation at the Universidad Santo Tomás. 
  • Expert in high-performance methodological processes, in Olympic/Paralympic processes. 
  • Advisor to the Federations of the National Paralympic System. 
  • International Methodological Advisor for high performance process of Olympic and Paralympic cycles. 
  • International Speaker in Paralympic Sports and Professional Soccer.
  • Professional Soccer Coach in Colombia. 
  • Co-author of the model for the Search and Detection of talent in Paralympic Sports in Colombia. 
  • Methodologist Colombian Paralympic Committee Paralympic Cycle 2013-2016. 
  • Sports Director Paralympic Committee of Chile 2017-2019. 
  • Methodologist – Ministry of Sport. 
  • Analyst and Scout North Zone of Colombia - Evolution Football Management Agency.
  • Graduates/Graduates and students in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences or Physical Education who are studying 4th or higher semesters.
  • Sports Technicians, Trainers and/or Physical Trainers.
Module 1: Basics  4 hours
  • What is Sports Performance?
  • What is performance analysis?
  • Why do performance analysis?
  • What is more important, measure, evaluate or analyze?
  • What are the main exponents of performance analysis?
Module 2: Observational methodology and performance analysis 4 hours
  • What is the methodology that allows me to study sport without taking it out of its context?
  • What are performance indicators?
  • What is an observation instrument? What is an observation instrument used for?
Module 3: State-of-the-art tools for data collection in training and competition for further analysis 6 hours
  • Local and global positioning technology
  • wearable technology
  • Web 3.0 technology and tools
  • free to use software

The proposals will be carried out through the Moodle platform of the Santo Tomás University (USTA), the methodology for the evaluation and subsequent achievement of the certification is through participation in forums, design and delivery of works according to the theme developed, as well as a final work with the application of a performance analysis process through the free platform LINCE.

  • Graduates/Graduates and students in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences or Physical Education from the 4th semester
  • Sports Technicians, Trainers and/or Physical Trainers
  • Graduates/Diplomas and students of Physiotherapy and Kinesiology
Santo Tomas Bucaramanga- Colombia

International Diploma
Analysis and Planning of High Performance Sports Training

Sport as a UMECIT Strategy

Creation and Design of Exercises Under the Principles of Tactical Periodization Level 1

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Headquarters Panama Building A

Phone: (+507) 264-9908
Founders Main Building: Transístmica, Vía Simón Bolívar

La Chorrera Headquarters Building A

Phone: (+507) 254-1141
Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.

Chitre Headquarters Building A

Phone: (+507) 996-4260
In front of the Herrera park.

Santiago Headquarters Building A

Phone: (+507) 998-0363
2nd street diagonal to vector control.

David Headquarters Building A

Phone: (+507) 788-0018
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.

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