Labor Law Diploma
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Know the set of basic rules, principles and judicial decisions that regulate legal relationships between employers and their workers, specifying the elements that make up the employment relationship, distinguishing it from other legal relationships; The elements that identify said labor relationship will be pointed out, as well as those figures that arise in the company without being considered labor relations will be analyzed.
The employment contracts, their formalities, as well as the consequences of their non-observance will be reviewed; will examine the salary and benefits, as well as their considerations in national legislation, the review of the formulas to resolve labor conflicts and the causes of termination of the employment relationship.
Provide participants with the knowledge and legal tools for the management and development of successful labor relations and thus obtain a competitive advantage in the organization.
Know a set of legal norms and theoretical principles that regulate legal relations between employers and workers and between both before the authorities, including the duties and powers derived from the labor nexus.
Provide participants with the knowledge and legal tools for the management and development of successful labor relations and thus obtain a competitive advantage in the organization.
Upon completion of the Diploma, the participants:
- They know the labor legislation in a timely manner in the vital aspects of the employment relationship.
- They identify the operation of the main institutions of collective and labor procedural law.
- They handle knowledge of updated national jurisprudence.
- They design active strategies to strengthen skills for presenting documents in labor matters.
- They include the ethical commitment to represent and defend the action based on the law, in labor relations.
Module 1.
Labor Law, Contracts and Their Classification in the Labor Code
- The reason for human labor
- Distinctive elements of the employment relationship and gray areas 3- The need for legal protection of the worker
- Definition of Labor Law and its characteristics
- The fundamental principles of Labor Law
- Employer replacement
- Types of employment contracts in Panama, identification and validity conditions
- Minimum and mandatory content of the written contract
- The probationary period, requirements and legal formalities
Module 2.
Salary, Employee Benefits And Their Protections.
- General features
- Identification of the salary concept and its difference with other concepts (benefits, professional fees and per diems)
- Different types of salary in Panama
- Legal Considerations of Salary and Benefits
- The labor succession, the process and the establishment of the beneficiaries of the deceased worker
Module 3.
Rights and Obligations of the Worker and the Employer.
- Fundamental themes and concepts
- Subjects in the employment relationship
- Main general and special obligations of the worker
worker's rights - Main obligations of the employer
- The rights of the employer derived from the employment relationship
Module 4.
Labor Conflicts And Their Means Of Solution
- Origin of the labor conflict
- Definition, parties and characteristics of the labor conflict
- Constitutional provision of the labor conflict
- Classes of labor disputes
- Means of solving the labor conflict, in particular direct treatment, conciliation, mediation, arbitration and judicial processes
- The labor jurisdiction in Panama and its organization
- Matters heard by labor courts
Module 5.
Collective Labor Law, the Collective Agreement, Trade Union Jurisdiction and the Right to Strike.
- Generalities and characters
- Subjects of Collective Labor Law
- Emergence of collective labor relations
- Social organizations or the union and its individuals
- The constitutional and legal regularization of unions
- Brief considerations of labor and union jurisdiction (differences)
- The Collective Bargaining Agreement (basic ideas)
- Application of the labor law on the Collective Agreement
- The labor conflict and the strike
- Causes of termination of the strike in Panama
Module 6.
Causes of Suspension and Termination of the Work Relationship.
- The causes of suspension of the employment relationship and its description
- Analysis of the causes of suspension of the employment relationship provided for in the legislation and its application
- Concept of termination of the employment relationship
- Review of the causes of termination of the employment relationship and with emphasis on those of a disciplinary nature
- Dismissal formalities
Lawyers, Industrial Engineers, Business Administrators, Psychologists, Managers, Employers, Entrepreneurs, Supervisors, Directors and Personnel Assistants and in general any person who is interested in starting or deepening their knowledge of legal tools in labor matters that allow effective management of the employment relationship.
Orlando E. Tovares P.
- Graduate in Law and Political Sciences (Universidad de Panamá). Post Graduate in Higher Education (Universidad de Panamá).
- Studies in Master's Degree in Labor Law (Universidad de Panamá).
- Teacher of Labor Law, Social Security, Labor Procedural Law, Social Law and others at the universities of Panama, Latina, Inter-American Panama, the Isthmus and Columbus.
- Professor in Diplomas in Labor Law.
- He has served as a Magistrate of the Superior Labor Court and currently as a Sectional Labor Judge.
Mayela Bryan
- Degree in Law and Political Sciences (Universidad de Panamá). Specialist in Higher Education (University of Panama).
- Master's Degree in Labor Law (Universidad Santa María La Antigua). Master in Human Resources (Universidad de Panamá).
- Diplomas in Labor Law from the Universities of Panama and the Inter-American University of Panama. International Course on Comparative Law (Collective Labor Law).
- Course on fundamental rights of international and national labor standards. He is an assistant Magistrate of the Superior Labor Court.
Percy E. Roman E.
- Trial attorney
- Professor of Labor Law at the University of Panama.
- Advisor and Consultant on Labor Law matters for employers and unions.
- He has served as a substitute for Sectional Labor Judge, labor arbitrator for conflicts. groups and negotiator of Collective Labor Agreements.
- Active participant and speaker at national and international seminars on labor law.
- Author of legal works, especially on Labor Law (individual and collective).
Contact us and start now
Headquarters Panama Building A
Phone: (+507) 264-9908 Founders Main Building: Transístmica, Vía Simón Bolívar
La Chorrera Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 788-0018
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.