Diploma in Administration of Complexes Under the Horizontal Property Regime
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Extension Address
Said diploma is justified by the need to provide the legal, administrative and operational foundations to the administrators, and thus be able to provide the horizontal properties with a quality service to meet the objectives of the communities.
From this frame of reference, the Diploma in Digital Marketing and Online Sales program of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology -UMECIT, responds to the existing need in the labor market, for personnel trained in the latest trends in digital marketing, and in the approach of online marketing and sales strategies.
General Objective
Provide participants with practical training on the needs of condo management, as well as new trends, in order to manage a condo efficiently.
Specific Objectives
- Provide attendees with basic knowledge of the special horizontal property legislation, supplementary legislation and the scope of the regulations of each horizontal property.
- Train attendees with the best techniques of condominium management from an accounting point of view, customer service and communication.
- Introduce attendees to the operational needs of a horizontal property and the methods to address it through modern and practical solutions for communities.
- Module 1 – Legal Aspects of Horizontal Property in Panama: 10 synchronous hours of tutoring plus 15 asynchronous hours of work – Total 25 hours
- Topic 1: Legal Background and Current Legislation.
- Topic 2: Basic Principles and Concepts.
- Topic 3: Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors and the Administration.
- Topic 4: Assembly of Owners; Assembly Classes; Organization; Realization.
- Module 2 – Administrative Aspects of Horizontal Property: 10 synchronous hours of tutoring plus 15 asynchronous hours of work – Total 25 hours
- Theme 6: Customer Support; Concepts, challenges, competencies, care pathways; Evaluation points and degrees of satisfaction; Main causes of dissatisfaction; What our customers really expect.
- Topic 7: Communication; Concept, objective, elements, types of communication, assertive communication.
- Theme 8: Leadership; Concept, the golden rule, types and classification of leadership, essential characteristics.
- Theme 9: Teamwork; Concept, elements, characteristics, challenges and importance, group vs. equipment.
- Topic 10: Accounting; Practical Aspects; Tax Aspects; Legal Aspects (Law 31 of 2010).
- Module 3 – Operational Aspects of Horizontal Property: 10 synchronous hours of tutoring plus 15 asynchronous hours of work – Total 25 hours
- Topic 11: Suppliers; Selection, Hiring, Monitoring and supervision.
- Topic 12: Goods and common areas; Maintenance, cleaning, conservation, appraisal, insurance.
- Topic 13: Security; Safety.
- Topic 14: Special projects; Reference parameters, Insurance policies, Quotation, Supervision.
Contact us and start now
Headquarters Panama Building A
Phone: (+507) 264-9908 Founders Main Building: Transístmica, Vía Simón Bolívar
La Chorrera Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 254-1141 Ave. de Las Americas, Plaza Nueva Orleans.
Chitre Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 996-4260 In front of the Herrera park.
Santiago Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 998-0363 2nd street diagonal to vector control.
David Headquarters Building A
Phone: (+507) 788-0018
Mariví Building, Ave. Francisco Clark, David.