Umecit – University in Panama

Institutional Investigations Completed

Analysis of the impact of the “Changing Lives” programResponsible researcher: Raúl Montenegro (General Psychology)

Co-investigator(s) [of Social Work and human development]: Miguel Rivas, Jazmín Diaz. Anielka Ulloa de Samaniego, Cynthia González

Students Research Assistant(s) [of Psychology]: Olga Rodríguez, David Chepote, Ariadna Berguido, Edwin Ramos, Cyntia Olmedo / [of Social Work]: Ashley Cabrera, Johanis Jaén, Mónica Vásquez, Maira Moreno, Carlos Riquelme, Mileydis Ávila , Delfina Domínguez, Maryeline Santos, Iliana Urriola, Stephanie González, Rosa Quintero
Health Sciences / Humanities and Educational SciencesMITRADELSEE RESEARCH
Analysis of the school climate in pre-media and secondary educational institutions in PanamaResponsible Researcher: Magdy De las Salas (Educational Sciences)

Co-investigator(s): Amelia Sarco (General Psychology), Cinthya González (General Psychology), Ashley Acosta (Systems and Programming), Anielka Ulloa de Samaniego (Social Work and Human Development), William Español (Juan de Castellanos Foundation, Colombia), Sandra Acuña (Juan de Castellanos Foundation, Colombia)

Research Assistant Students [of Psychology]: Suseth López, Eilin González, Joselyn Ortiz, Mitelys Bernal, Judith Rodríguez, Jorge Simití, Michelle Tuñón, Zurinay Babb, Rosa Lasso, Laidylanis Ríos / [of Social Work]: Ashley Vega Rodríguez, Stephanie González De Gracia, Luisa Miter Vega, Nathalie Walker Juárez, Héctor Pérez, Diego Moreno, Vanessa Pitti, Solinda Gil
Health Sciences / Humanities and Educational Sciences / Technology, Construction and EnvironmentJuan de Castellanos University Foundation (JDC), Colombia / MEDUCAEARRING
Mobile application for the emotional intervention of children and young people adapted to the new daily lifeResponsible Researcher: Claudia Marcela Arana (Luis Amigo University, Colombia – General Psychology)

Co-investigator(s): Carolina Gamarra (Systems and Programming), Blanca Mendoza (General Psychology)

Research Assistants [Systems and Programming]: Carlos Fonseca, Isaías De Gracia / [Design]: Allen Martínez
Health Sciences / Technology, Construction and EnvironmentLuis Amigo University, Colombia

National university of Colombia
Benefit of the combined application of magnetotherapy - bipolar interferential current in osteoarthritis processes.Responsible Investigator: Efraín Callender (Physiotherapy)

Co-investigator (Physiotherapy): Melania Torrealba (graduate)
Health SciencesNoneSEE RESEARCH
Competences in the management of information and communication technologies of the teachers of UMECIT-ChitréResponsible Researcher: Guillermina Higuera (Systems and Programming)

Research Assistant Students [of Systems and Programming]: Mariela Frías, Anazario Gómez
Marine pollution on beaches in the Azuero regionNoneSLOPE ADJUSTING
Marine pollution on beaches in the Azuero regionResponsible researcher: Osvaldo Solís (Environmental Management Administration)

Research assistant(s) [of Environmental Management Administration]: Ángel Pérez (Graduate)
Technology, Construction, and EnvironmentARAP"SEE RESEARCH"
Diagnosis of needs of the Regions: Azuero, David, Santiago and La ChorreraResponsible Researcher(s): Magdy De las Salas and Abilio Moreno (Educational Sciences)

Co-investigator(s): Amelia Sarco (General Psychology), Anielka Ulloa (Social Work and Human Development), Ashley Acosta (Systems and Programming), Widad González (Law and Political Sciences)
Humanities and Educational Sciences / Economic and Administrative SciencesNoneSLOPE ADJUSTING
Productivity diagnosis of private universities in PanamaResponsible researcher: Magdy De las Salas (Educational Sciences)Humanities and Educational SciencesIN ALLIANCE WITH IDIA"SEE RESEARCH"
Productivity diagnosis of private universities in PanamaResponsible researcher: Magdy De las Salas (Educational Sciences)Humanities and Educational SciencesIN ALLIANCE WITH IDIA"SEE RESEARCH"
Productivity diagnosis of private universities in PanamaResponsible researcher: Magdy De las Salas (Educational Sciences)Humanities and Educational SciencesIN ALLIANCE WITH IDIA"SEE RESEARCH"
Provincial diagnosis on the situation of disappeared women in the province of Herrera- Years 2011-2014Responsible researcher: Anielka Ulloa de Samaniego (Social work and human development)Humanities and Educational SciencesNoneUMECIT Library (print version) DIGITAL PENDING
Design of an intervention program to strengthen security and belonging in the achievement of self-realization of the community of Playa ChiquitaResponsible researcher: Gressy Zúñiga (Social Work and human development)

Co-investigator(s): Yazmín Ortega (Psychology)

Research assistant(s): Abdiel Sanjur (Extension)
Humanities and Educational SciencesNoneUMECIT Library (print version) DIGITAL PENDING
Effectiveness of the application of high-intensity laser, superficial thermotherapy and muscle flexibility and strengthening exercises in patients with low back painResponsible researcher: Efraín Callender (Physiotherapy)

Co-investigator (Physiotherapy): Melania Torrealba (Graduate
Health SciencesNone"SEE RESEARCH"
Effectiveness of Pressotherapy treatment in Lymphedema post-lymphadenectomy of Breast Cancer and its variations in the frequency of careResponsible Investigator: Efraín Callender (Physiotherapy)

Co-investigator (Physiotherapy): Melania Torrealba (Graduate)
Health SciencesNoneSEE RESEARCH"
Stress in the elderly and home workers for the elderlyResponsible: Ana Bieberach (General Psychology)

Research Assistant Students [of Psychology]: Katherine Barranco, Angelica Asfall, Cristian Varela, Thais Mares, Katherine Romero, Maylin Santamaria, Genesis Melgar, Ariadna Berguido, Cyntia Olmedo, Shelena Meneses, Yuskensi Cisneros, Marielena
Health SciencesNoneSEE RESEARCH"
Study of the antibacterial properties in extracts of fatty bodies of necrophagous fly larvae (Diptera: calliphoridae) in PanamaResponsible researcher: Lizbeth González (Criminalistics)Law and Forensic SciencesNoneSEE RESEARCH"
Study for the establishment of an urban solid waste recovery and treatment plant in the Municipality of Chitré, Province of Herrera, Republic of Panama.Responsible researcher: Osvaldo Solís (Environmental Management Administration)Technology, Construction, and EnvironmentARAPSEE RESEARCH"
Evaluation of the performance of efficient microorganisms in tilapia culture, with Biofloc technologyResponsible researcher: Alexis Gómez (Environmental Management Administration)

Research Assistant Students [of Environmental Management Administration]: Patrícia Diaz, María Montenegro
Technology, Construction, and EnvironmentARAP-ABPSEE RESEARCH"
Psychological evaluation of young people at social risk in the San Miguelito MunicipalityResponsible Researcher: Eva Cano (Psychology)

Co-investigator(s): Allan Chambers (Psychology), Abilio Moreno (Research Methodology)

Research assistant(s) [of Psychology]: Cynthia Ábrego, Luz Cáceres, Mirta Castillo, Nayarith Cruz, Ligia Famanía, Ana Guillén, Amailis Hernández, Jeydana Hughes, Lina Mena, Yenny Mena, Graciela Menchaca, Yajaira Mosquera, Yarelis Moya, José Pineda, Karol Reyna, Beatriz Santana, Nancy Santos, Nerith Solís, Gladys Thomas
Health SciencesNoneUMECIT Library (print version)
Identification of traces of semen in cases of sexual crimes and its importance in forensic investigation in PanamaResponsible researcher: Lizbeth GonzálezLaw and Forensic SciencesIMELCFSLOPE ADJUSTING
Impact of ICT on Student Performance in Standardized Tests during the Health Crisis Generated by COVID-19 in Colombia and PanamaResponsible Investigator: Leonardo Mauris (Educational Sciences)

Co-investigator(s): Manuel Beiro (Systems and programming)

Research assistant(s) (PhD student in Educational Sciences): Blanca Domínguez
Humanities and Educational SciencesNoneSLOPE ADJUSTING
Indicators in the teaching-learning of programming languages at the university levelResponsible Researcher: Betzy Miranda (Systems and Programming)

Co-investigator(s): María Lenoir (Systems and Programming)
Technology, Construction, and EnvironmentNoneSLOPE ADJUSTING
STEM Initiative to improve the teaching of Natural Sciences in average students of the rural Educational Institutions of MonteríaPrincipal Investigator: Leovy Echeverría (UPB, Colombia)

Research assistant(s) (PhD student in Educational Sciences): Vanesa Hernández (Ph.D.
Humanities and Educational SciencesPontifical Bolivarian University, Montería Headquarters, ColombiaSLOPE ADJUSTING
The attitude, education, knowledge in administration and assertive decision-making in personal finance of undergraduate Banking and Finance students at the UMECIT branch of La Chorrera.Responsible Researcher: Ricardo Zeballos (Accounting)

Co-investigator(s): César Herrera (Banking and Finance)
Economic and Administrative SciencesNoneSLOPE ADJUSTING
The graphic composition in university students of the discipline of Graphic Design and related careers in the province of PanamaResponsible Researcher: Elvis Aguirre (Graphic Design)Technology, Construction, and EnvironmentNoneSLOPE ADJUSTING
The quality of service in medium and small hotels in Panama CityResponsible Researcher: Graciela Simon (Managerial Tourism)

[Tourism] research assistant(s): Daniela Martínez, Nohelis Romero, Stephanie Obaldía, Sayuri Bonilla, Nayelli Magallón, Lía Marín, Dioselina Guerra, Jeremy López.
Economic and Administrative SciencesNoneSLOPE ADJUSTING
Panamanian prison mappingResponsible researcher: William Español (JDC)

Co-investigator(s): Anielka Ulloa (Social Work), Magdy De las Salas Alan Chambers (Psychology)
Humanities and Educational Sciences / Health SciencesJuan de Castellanos University Foundation- Colombia / UAM / OTEIMA / MINGOBSLOPE ADJUSTING
Labor preferences of candidates in the search for employment in Panama.Responsible researcher: Magdy De las Salas (Educational Sciences)Economic and Administrative SciencesANREH / IN ALLIANCE WITH IDIASLOPE ADJUSTING
Proposal for environmental awareness and the disposal and management of garbage in rural areas in the community of Lagartero and La HondaResponsible Investigator: Camila Cisneros (Environmental Management Administration)Technology, Construction, and EnvironmentNoneSLOPE ADJUSTING
Relationship between organizational competencies and employee engagementResponsible Researcher: Claudia Marcela Arana (Luis Amigo University, Colombia - General Psychology)

Co-investigator(s): Jill Manuel (General Psychology)
Health Sciences Luis Amigo University, Colombia

San Buenaventura University, Colombia
Shadows PanamaResponsible: Anielka Ulloa de Samaniego (Social work and human development)Humanities and Educational SciencesNoneSEE RESEARCH"
Use of Efficient Microorganisms with Biofloc technology in tilapia production.Responsible: Alexis Gómez (Environmental Management Administration)

Research Assistant Students [of Environmental Management Administration]: Patrícia Diaz, María Montenegro
Technology, Construction, and EnvironmentARAP-ABPSEE RESEARCH"