
Umecit – University in Panama


It is pleased to invite the national and international academic and scientific community to participate in the 1st International Congress of Research Seedbeds, whose motto is:


Research incubators...

They are groups that They are made up of undergraduate students interested in strengthening scientific research in their training process, also developing activities related to science and technology.

Research incubators...

They are groups that They are made up of undergraduate students interested in strengthening scientific research in their training process, also developing activities related to science and technology.

Research incubators...

They are groups that They are made up of undergraduate students interested in strengthening scientific research in their training process, also developing activities related to science and technology.

Purpose of this event

What is the objective of the Congress?

QTo encourage the generation of scientific capabilities and promote the exchange of experiences and knowledge in the field of research and innovation, where science becomes a means, not only to address environmental problems and provide responses to them, but also as a way to generate innovative proposals, aligned with the resources and alternatives offered by the digital era, within the framework of relevance and social impact. The space will be conducive to strengthening the passion for science and the training of researchers.

Research training
Passion for science
Social Impact

Date and place

We extend the invitation to the entire national and international academic community (teachers, researchers, students and the general public) to be part of this experience of professional enrichment, which will feature the participation of distinguished international and national speakers who will contribute their knowledge and experiences in a learning and knowledge transfer scenario; as well as presentations developed by "seed students."

We look forward to seeing you in Panama!


October 17 and 18, 2024


Hotel El Panama in Panama City

Contact email

If you have any questions or concerns about participating in the Congress, please send us an email to congresodesemilleros@umecit.edu.pa

Forms of participation

Keynote lectures will be given by national and international guests, as well as training workshops on disciplinary research and innovation, which will allow the development of scientific capabilities based on practical and dynamic experience.

Participants can register as ATTENDEES OR SPEAKERS IN THE POSTER MODE, in which latter case, they may present advances or research results, only in the scientific poster format

Keynote lectures will be given by national and international guests, as well as training workshops on disciplinary research and innovation, which will allow the development of scientific capabilities based on practical and dynamic experience.

Participants can register as ATTENDEES OR SPEAKERS IN THE POSTER MODE, in which latter case, they may present advances or research results, only in the scientific poster format


The congress will address the following areas of knowledge:

The congress will address the following areas of knowledge:

Conference Information

Find all the details of the event here:

Participation costs
and payment methods

For students and teachers of UMECIT

$150 USD

You can pay through Banco General's collector, Yappy, directly at the cash registers of any UMECIT office in Panama or 100% online with a credit card by clicking on the following button:

For external participants in Panama and internationally

$180 USD

You can make the payment directly at the cash registers of any UMECIT office in Panama or 100% online with a credit card by clicking on the following button:

Conference Information

Find all the details of the event here:

Participation costs
and payment methods

For students and teachers of UMECIT

$150 USD

You can pay through Banco General's collector, Yappy, directly at the cash registers of any UMECIT office in Panama or 100% online with a credit card by clicking on the following button:

For external participants in Panama and internationally

$180 USD

You can make the payment directly at the cash registers of any UMECIT office in Panama or 100% online with a credit card by clicking on the following button:


The university, within the framework of the agreements signed with some local hotels, offers congress participants the possibility of staying receiving the benefit of special corporate rates.

Reservation and payment requests are made directly by the interested party with the hotel of their preference, through the links and contacts that we share, without this implying any responsibility on the part of the company. UMECIT.

Hotel El Panama
(Event venue)

Contact: Darcy Castillo
(Sales Executive)
Mail: darcy.castillo@farandahotels.com

Hotel Victoria

Contact: Victory of the Cross
(Sales Director)
Mail: vdelacruz@victoriapanama.com

Abstract submission

Here you can learn in detail the structure of the rules required to submit your summary to the scientific committee.

Participation with scientific poster

Learn about the specifications you must take into account to participate in the congress under this modality.

Full program of the Congress

Download the detailed agenda with the schedules and activities planned for the two days of the event.

Meet the speakers and workshop facilitators

These are the professors and researchers who will lead the conferences and workshops to be held at the congress.

Meet the speakers and workshop facilitators

These are the professors and researchers who will lead the conferences and workshops to be held at the congress.

Danny Murillo


Master in Engineering, Coordinator and research professor at the Technological University of Panama (UTP). He works at the Center for Research, Development and Innovation in Information and Communication Technologies at UTP. Coordinator of the Research Commission of the Council of Rectors of Panama

Juan Esteban Aguirre


JUAN ESTEBAN AGUIRRE ESPINOSA, COLOMBIA (Speaker-workshop facilitator) Lawyer, PhD candidate in contemporary procedural law, Master of Law, Specialist in International Tax Law. Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Luis Amigó Catholic University, Medellín

Light Graciela Cruz


Biologist, ecologist and PhD in environmental sciences. She works at the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Directorate of Scientific Research. Responsible for training activities to develop scientific research aimed at new researchers and for the JULIA Scientific Mentoring Program and NETWORKING.

Paul Cordoba


Graduate in Sociology, Master in Social Sciences, PhD in Social Sciences. University professor and researcher.

Isabel Cristina Puerta


Psychologist, Specialist in Cognitive Therapy, Specialist in Legal Psychology, Master in Neuropsychology, PhD in Psychology with an emphasis on Applied Cognitive Neuroscience. Vice-Rector of Research at the Luis Amigó Catholic University, Colombia.

Gloria Valderrama


Master (MSc.) in Life Science Informatics. Doctoral Studies in Biological Systems. Organizer and coordinator of the National Scientific Initiation Conference, UTP -Panama.

Eliana Acevedo

Workshop facilitator

Graduate in Administration, Specialist in Research Methodology, Specialist in Higher Education. Teacher and researcher at UMECIT Panama.

Ana Edilma Pereiz

Workshop facilitator

PhD in Business Sciences with an emphasis on business administration. Master's degree in Business Administration with an emphasis on human resources. Specialization in higher education. Specialization in senior management in industrial engineering. Professor and researcher at the University of Panama.

Damian Quijano

Workshop facilitator

Bachelor's degree in Systems Administration, Postgraduate degree in Senior Management, Master's degree in University Training and Management, Master's degree in Information and Communication Technologies Applied to Education, PhD in Computer Science. University professor and researcher.

Let us continue to promote research, science and technology together.

Need help?

If you have any questions or concerns about participating in the Congress, please send us an email to congresodesemilleros@umecit.edu.pa